All participants provided consent. Written consent forms has been obtained since 2000 - (1998-2000 consent form). Further consent forms were included with the follow up postal questionnaire in 2003 (2003-consent-pdf.) Consent was reaffirmed at the physical examination survey in 2010- 12 (2010-12 consent form) and again in 2018 (consent form 2018). The study is included on the also has Section 60/Section 251 register from the Confidentiality Advisory Group at the Health Research authority.
Withdraw consent
How can I withdraw my consent?
You have the right to withdraw at any time. If you are considering withdrawing from the study, please contact us on telephone number 020 8016 8021 (Monday - Friday, 09.30am - 5:00pm). The BRHS will respect your consent decision.
Withdrawal - No further contact
This means that the BRHS would no longer contact the participant directly but would have permission to retain and use information and samples provided previously and to obtain and use further information from health records. This level of withdrawal leaves the resource in tact and will allow researchers to study disease with the goal of improving the health of future generations. If you wish 'No further contact', please do speak to the study manager on 020 8016 8021 since there are a number of options available (for instance, you could request that BRHS does not contact you to ask for further help, but that you still receive the annual newsletter).
Withdrawal - No further access
This means that the BRHS would no longer contact the participant or obtain further information from health records in the future, but still has permission to use the information and samples provided previously. You need to contact the study manager on 020 8016 8021 to make this withdrawal request.
Withdrawal - No further use
In addition to no longer contacting the participant or obtaining further information, any information and samples collected previously would no longer be available to researchers. The BRHS would destroy samples (although it may not be possible to trace all distributed sample remnants) and would only hold information for archival audit purposes. Such a withdrawal would prevent information about the participant from contributing to further research, but it would not be possible to remove data from research that had already taken place. You need to contact the study manager on 020 8016 8021 to make this withdrawal request.