
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Extendg multilevel modelling of geographical variations in female labour force participatn 1971-2001

Myles Gould, University of Leeds, and Kelvyn Jones and Mark Rowley, University of Bristol

(Project no, 30042)

In an earlier study, Ward and Dale (1992) examined the geographical variations in female participation. Jones (1994) extended this by allowing for a geography of participation differentiated by life-cycle. Both of these papers used multilevel logit models. We have already undertaken considerable analysis with data for 1971-1981-1991 and obtained through CeLSIUS' predecessor (CLS). The ongoing project extends this work and updates it by considering 2001 patterns, and also explores change over time: 1971-1981-1991-2001.


Jones K (1994) "Multi-level modelling with area level data in the LS" in: R Creeser, Analysis Issues in the LS, LS User Guide No. 12, SSRU, City University, London, pp 15-34.

Ward C & Dale A (1992) "Geographical Variation in Female Labour Force Participation: An Application of Multilevel Modelling", Regional Studies 25, pp 243-255.

The proposed study aims to extend the previous analyses by:

1. Examining full, part-time and self- employment and no participation using multinomial multilevel models.

2. Exploit the repeated cross-sectional census data contained in the LS and use it to examine geographical variations over time by fitting a series of multilevel models (ie for 1971, 1981, 1991, and also now 2001).

3. Assess the extent of variations in employment participation with levels of higher qualifications.