Upcoming Conferences:
Past Conferences:
1 November 2017 - 'Inequalities in time from stopping work to death: the ONS Longitudinal Study'. Presentation at the CLOSER conference, Inequalities: a longitudinal perspective [Emily Murray].
25 July 2017 - 'Mid-Life Psychosocial Working Conditions and Mental Health as Predictors of Exit From Paid Work'. In Session: Extending Working Life - Possible for Everyone? The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, California, USA [Jenny Head].
24 July 2017 - 'Socioeconomic Differences in Healthy Life Expectancy: Evidence From Four Prospective Cohort Studies', In session: Predictors of Health Expectancy Across Multiple Cohorts From the U.S. and Europe. The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, California, USA [Jenny Head].
24 July 2017 - 'Health expectancy and lifetime Socio-economic Status in US and England', In session: Predictors of Health Expectancy Across Multiple Cohorts From the U.S. and Europe. The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, California, USA [Paola Zaninotto].
3-7 July 2017 - 'Linking local labour market conditions across the life course to retirement age: Health, employment and educational pathways', using the National Survey of Health and Development', presentation at the International Medical Geographer's Conference, Angers, France [Emily Murray].
5 April 2017 - 'Overcoming Inequalities: Addressing barriers to extending working lives.'
This one day conference, hosted by the ILC-UK and research teams from renEWL and the Uncertain Futures consortium will invite policy makers, business leaders, civil society organisations and academics to engage with new research findings on the socio-economic inequalities preventing some sections of the population from achieving longer, fuller working lives. The conference will examine the current barriers to extending working lives: health inequalities, work place practice, and the policy barriers that Government, business and civil society can work collectively to address. Current confirmed speakers include John Cridland CBE, Head of the Independent State Pension Age Review, representatives from the Department of Work and Pensions, and other leading figures from the fields of health inequalities, work place practice and public policy.This event is currently by invitation. If you are interested in attending, please contact events@ilcuk.org.uk.
11 November 2016 - 'Inequalities in the time between stopping work and death: ONS Longitudinal Study', presentation at the European Public Health Conference, Vienna, Austria [Nicola Shelton].
11 November 2016 - 'Occupational and educational inequalities in health-related exits from employment at older ages', presentation at the European Public Health Conference, Vienna, Austria [Ewan Carr].
11 November 2016 'Mid-life psychosocial working conditions and mental health as predictors of transitions out of paid employment: a 20-year follow-up of the Whitehall II study', presentation at the European Public Health Conference, Vienna, Austria [Jenny Head].
6 November 2016 'Alcohol and over 50s currently in employment', presentation to ILC-UK's Drink Wise Age Well Inquiry - alcohol and employment in the over 50s population event, House of Lords, London [Nicola Shelton].
13 October 2016 - 'Occupational and educational inequalities in health-related exit from employment at older ages', Presentation at the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing [ELSA] Wave 7 Launch, London, UK [Ewan Carr].
6 October 2016 - 'Timing of parenthood and extended working: evidence from a British birth cohort study', Presentation at the Society for Longitudinal Studies [SLLS] conference, Bamberg, Germany [Mai Stafford].
20 September 2016 - 'Work and family life history in relation to extended working lives: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing', in the 'Lifecourse influence on extended working lives' session, Presentation at Work, Age, Health and Employment [WAHE] conference, Wuppertal, Germany.
18 September 2016 - 'Geographic inequalities, health and exit from the work force', GES/Government social research profession Training Annual Conference, London, UK [Nicola Shelton].
15 September 2016 - 'Linking childhood area deprivation to geographic inequalities in retirement: contribution of educational and occupational opportunities', in the 'Austerity and Health Inequalities' symposium', Poster at Society for Social Medicine, York, UK [Emily Murray].
14 September 2016 - 'Inequalities in the time between stopping work and death: ONS longitudinal study', Presentation at British Society for Population Studies [BSPS], Winchester, UK [Nicola Shelton/Emily Murray].
31 August 2016 - 'Area unemployment and work force exit: are relationships different for recession vs non-recession time periods?' in the 'Austerity and Health Inequalities' symposium, Presentation at Royal Geographical Society conference, London, UK [Emily Murray].
July 2016 - 'The family context and extended working' , Presentation at International Centre for Lifecourse Studies Centre Day, London, UK [Mai Stafford].
July 2016 - 'Long-Term Effects of Job Strain and Mental Health in Midlife on Early Labour Market Exit' , Presentation at International Sociological Association [ISA] conference, Vienna, Austria [Ewan Carr].
April 2016 - 'Informal care and extended working life: Evidence from five years of Understanding Society' , Presentation at International Centre for Lifecourse Studies Seminar, London, UK [Ewan Carr].
November 2015 - 'Extending Working Lives'. Invited talk to the Department of Work and Pensions, London, UK [Nicola Shelton].
October 2015 - 'Cross-national differences in the timing and type of labour market exit' , Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies [SLLS] Conference, Dublin, UK [Mai Stafford].
October 2015 - 'Midlife physical and cognitive capability and older people's employment' , Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies [SLLS] Conference, Dublin, UK [Ewan Carr].
July 2015 - 'Working conditions as predictors of retirement preferences and exit from employment' , British Society of Gerontologists conference, Newcastle on Tyne, UK [Ewan Carr].
July 2015 - 'History of exposure to symptoms of common mental disorder in relation to extended working: British Household Panel Survey and Understanding Society' , Understanding Society Scientific Conference, London, UK [Gareth Hagger-Johnson].
July 2015 - 'Area unemployment and individual health in relation to retirement and sickness/disability transitions over 10 years: Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study' , International Medical Geographers Symposium, Vancouver, Canada [Nicola Shelton/Emily Murray].
June 2015 - 'Geographic inequalities, health and exit from the work force' , Centre for Longitudinal Studies Cohort Studies Policy Seminar on Extended Working and Health, London, UK [Emily Murray].
June 2015 - 'Health and work in older age' and on panel on 'Challenges and Prospects in Spatial Demographic Research' , Liverpool University Centre for Spatial Demographics Research Launch, Liverpool, UK [Nicola Shelton].
April 2015 - 'Health Determinants of Extended Working Lives: Evidence from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development' , International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Dublin, UK [Mai Stafford].
March 2015 - 'Expectancy and Extending Working Lives determinants of Healthy Life', Health & Well-being at Work conference, Birmingham, UK [Jenny Head].
March 2015 - 'Informal caring and extended working life: Evidence from 20 years of the BHPS' , Centre for Longitudinal Studies Cohort Studies Research Conference 2015, London, UK [Ewan Carr].
March 2015 - 'Health behaviours in midlife and retirement from midlife to early old age: Whitehall II cohort study' , Centre for Longitudinal Studies Cohort Studies Research Conference 2015, London, UK [Gareth Hagger-Johnson].
March 2015 - 'Area unemployment and individual health in relation to retirement and sickness/disability transitions over 10 years: Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study' , Centre for Longitudinal Studies Cohort Studies Research Conference 2015, London, UK [Emily Murray].
10 November 2014 - 'Predictors of working beyond the age of 50: The renEWL consortium' , PHE Academic Network on Health and Well-being, Manchester, UK [Jenny Head].
7 November 2014 - 'Determinants and consequences of gradual retirement: evidence from ELSA and the BHPS, Presentation at Ageing and Society 2014 Conference, Manchester, UK [Ewan Carr].
8 October 2014 - 'Geographic inequalities in exit from the work force at middle age: England and Wales 2001-2011, Presentation at University of Portsmouth Geography Department, Portsmouth, UK [Emily Murray].
1 July 2014 - 'Job strain as a predictor of retirement transitions and intentions: initial results from 5 waves of ELSA, Presentation at Manchester Festival of Public Health, Manchester, UK [Ewan Carr].