Tuesday 1 December, 2015, UCL, 1.45 - 4pm (transcripts available)
Now a majority of two-parent families in the UK are dual-earner families. From the perspective of gender equality, this is a positive state of affairs and evidence links participation in employment with health benefits, suggesting that women's increased participation maybe beneficial. However, a decreasing 'time reservoir' at home combined with the increasing pace of work and family life may signify increased stress levels, and increased stress has also been linked with worse health outcomes. This seminar presents results from four studies examining the complex inter-relationships between work, family and health over the life course. Click on the paper title for powerpoint slides and transcript.
Invitation Abstracts Programme | Speakers/ papers:
Free: RSVP essential (indicating any special needs). Venue details (London) will be available on registration. Nearest stations: Underground - Russell Square. Overground - Kings Cross. |
Partipicants are invited from the policy making community in Government (national and local) departments, Third Sector agencies and the business community. Registered representatives attending from: OneplusOne, Children England, Ldn Borough H&F, TUC, UCL, Working with Men, Fatherhood Institute, ONS, Haringey Health, Dept Communities & Local Government. |