
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


The Intervention

The Advancing Survivor Cancer Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) is a a lifestyle study for people who were diagnosed with breast, prostate or colorectal cancer. ASCOT is a trial of a lifestyle booklet, with a guided telephone call. 

Living a healthy lifestyle after cancer has many benefits 

We know that after cancer and its treatments it can be difficult to live a healthy lifestyle, but there are a large number of benefits including reducing fatigue, improving strength and fitness and overall quality of life.

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There are expert guidelines for lifestyle after cancer 

The World Cancer Research Fund has produced guidelines for a healthy lifestyle for people who have had cancer, but research tells us that trying to change behaviour is hard and people need support to do this. 

The ASCOT intervention aims to provide information on the healthy lifestyle guidelines, and using Habits, help you find simple ways to make small changes in your daily routine.

We focus on the things you feel ready to change. 

ASCOT was developed by scientists funded by Cancer Research UK. The programme was developed by health psychologists, exercise scientists, expert medical professionals, a physiotherapist and dietician.

Importantly, at every stage of development the materials were shown to patients, and adapted based on their feedback.
We showed the final materials to a panel of experts to make sure they approved. 

However, ASCOT is a pilot study and we still want to know what you like, or don't like, about the materials.
We will carry out interviews at the end of the study to get your opinions.