
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Publications by year















Journal Articles


  • Rohleder, P., Braathen,S., & Carew, M. T. (2018). Disability and Sexual Health: Key Global Issues. London: Routledge. 
  • Hunt, X., Carew, M. T., Braathen, S. H., Swartz, L., Chiwaula, M., & Rohleder, P. (in press). Withdrawn, strong, kind, but de-gendered: Non-disabled South Africans’ stereotypes concerning persons with physical disabilities. Disability & Society Advance online publicationReports
  • Kett, M., Cole, E. (2018). Research Report: Disability and Climate Resilience Research Project [pdf]Leonard Cheshire Research Centre.

Other Publications


Working Papers











Working Papers






Working Paper




  • Anciaes P, Boniface S, Dhanani A,  Groce, N. (2014) Initiating Dialogue between Stakeholders and Establishing a Common Language for Community Severance through Cross-disciplinary Workshops.  Street Mobility and Network Accessibility Series.  Working Paper 1.  July 2014. 


Book Chapters

  • Groce, N. (2014) Disability and Aging.  In K. Horstead (ed) Facing the facts – the truth about ageing and international development.   London: Age International
  • Lang, R., Kett, M., Groce, N. and Trani, J.-F. ‘Implementing the United Nations  Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: principles, implications, practice and limitations, (Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Association), 5(3) ALTER European Journal of Disability Research (2011) 206-220.  中文书名:《残疾人权利公约:海外研究》(2014年)英文书名:(Readings on the studies of CRPD: international perspectives of 2014)  editors : Gerard Quinn and Jing LI.  Publisher : People's Press of China

Working Papers





Book Chapters

  • Trani, JF., Kett, M., Bakhshi P., Bailey, N. (2013) Disability, vulnerability and citizenship: to what extent is education a protective mechanism for children with disabilities in countries affected by conflict? Chapter 10 in Singal, N. (ed.) Disability, Poverty and Education. Oxford: Routledge.
  • Groce, N., Bakhshi, P. (2013) Illiteracy among adults with disabilities in the developing world: a review of the literature and a call for action. Chapter 8 in Singal, N. (ed.) Disability, Poverty and Education. Oxford: Routledge.
  • Groce, N. (2013). Disability, Public Health and Social Injustice. Chapter 8 in Levy, B. S., & Sidel, V. W. (2013). Social injustice and public health. Oxford University Press.


  • Deluca, M. (2013) The dawn of inclusive education: how excluded children became like their peers 1969-1975 [L'alba dell'integrazione scolastica: come i bambini esclusi diventarono uguali agli altri (1969-1975)] Carocci editore: Rome

Working Papers






Book Chapters

  • Kett, M.,  Trani, J. (2012). ‘Refugees with Disabilities: More vulnerable, more at risk’ in Segal, UA. and Elliott, D. Refugees Worldwide: Refugee Health. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers pp.213-230

Working Papers






  • Groce, N. (2011), Persons with Disabilities and the Millennium Development Goals. New York: UN DESA.


  • Trani, J. (ed) (2011). Development Efforts in Afghanistan: is there a will and a way? Paris: L'Harmatthan.

Working Papers





Clark, C., Silverman, J., Shahrouri, M., Everson-Rose, S., Groce, N. (2010). The Role of the Extended Family in Women's Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Jordan. Social Science and Medicine. 70(1):144-151 

Kett, M. and Trani, J. (2010). Vulnerability and disability in Darfur (pdf). Forced Migration Review. 

Rohleder, P., Swartz, L., Schneider, M., Groce, N., Eide, A. (2010). HIV/AIDS and Organizations in South Africa. AIDS Care. 22(2): 221-227 

Trani, J., Bakhshi P., Noor A., Mashkoor A. (2010). Poverty, vulnerability, and provision of healthcare in Afghanistan. Social Science and Medicine, 70: 1745-1755.


Trani, J. with Bah, O., Bailey, N., Browne, J., Groce, N. and Kett, M. (2010) Disability in and Around Urban Areas of Sierra Leone (pdf). London: Leonard Cheshire Disability 

Working Papers

Bailey, N., Groce, N. (2010) Working Paper 12: Water and Sanitation Issues for Persons with Disabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: A literature review and discussion of implications for Global Health and International Development efforts (pdf) 

Trani, J. and VanLeit, B. (2010) Working Paper 11: Increasing inclusion of persons with disabilities: reflections from disability research using the ICF in Afghanistan and Cambodia (pdf)

Trani, J. and VanLeit, B. (February 2010) "Increasing inclusion of persons with disabilities: reflections from disability research using the ICF in Afghanistan and Cambodia (pdf)". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 11. London: LCDIDC. 





Becker, J., Theodosis, C., Jacob, C., Wira, C., Groce, N. (2009). Surviving Sepsis in Low and Middle Income Countries: New Directions for Care and Research. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 9(9): 577-582. 

Costello, A., Abbas, M., Allen, A., Ball, S., Bell, S., Bellamy, R., Friel, S., Groce, N., Johnson, A., Kett, M., Lee, M., Levy, C., Maslin, M., McCoy, D., McGuire, B., Montgomery, H., Napier, D., Pagel, C., Patel, J., Puppim de Oliveira, J.A., Redclift, N., Rees, H., Rogger, D., Scott, J., Stephenson, J., Twigg, J., Wolff, J., Patterson, C. (2009). Managing the health effects of climate change. The Lancet 373(9676): 1693-1733. 

Dubois J.L. and Trani, J. (2009), Enlarging the Capability Paradigm to Address the Complexity of Disability (pdf), ALTER-European Journal of Disability Research, 3(3): 2-28. 

Groce, N. (2009). Disability and Global Health. Health Matters (77): 17-19

Groce, N. (2009). Disability, Poverty, Human Rights and the Need for Accurate Data to Promote Action. ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research 3(3): 185-187. 

Groce, N., Trani, J. (2009). Millennium Development Goals and Persons with Disability (doc). The Lancet. 374(9704): 1800-1801.

Kett, M., Lang, R., Trani, J. (2009). Disability, Development and the Dawning of a New Convention: A Cause for Optimism? Journal of International Development 21(5): 649-661. 

Kett, M., van Ommeren, M. (2009). Disability, conflict and emergencies. The Lancet 374(9704):1801-1803. 

Lang, R. (2009), The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Panacea for Ending Disability Discrimination?, European Journal of Disability Research. 3(3): 266-285.

Lang, R., Kett, M., Trani, J. (2009). Introduction to Special Section: Papers from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Call for Action on Poverty, Lack of Access and Discrimination. Disability Studies Quarterly 29(1). 

Mwendwa, T. Murangira, A., Lang, R. (2009), Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in national development frameworks, Journal of International Development, 21(5): 673-672. 

Officer, A., Groce, N. (2009). Key Concepts in Disability. The Lancet. 374(9704): 1795-1796. 

Stein, M., Stein, P., Weiss, D., Lang, R. (2009), Health care and the UN Disability Rights Convention, The Lancet, 374(9704): 1796-1798. 

Trani, J. (2009). Screening Children for Disability: Commentary, The Lancet. 374:1806-08. 

Trani, J., Bakhshi, P., Noor, A., Mashkoor, A. (2009). Lack of a Will or a Way? Taking a Capability Approach for Analysing Disability Policy Shortcomings and Ensuring Programme Impact in Afghanistan. European Journal of Development Research 21(2): 297-319. 


Lang, R., Murangira, A. (2009), A Disability Scoping Study for DFID Uganda. Kampala: DFID Uganda (pdf)

Groce, N., Izutsu, T., Reier, S., Rinehart, W., Temple, B. (2009) Promoting sexual and reproductive health for persons with disabilities: WHO/UNFPA guidance note. Geneva: WHO. 

Wong, H., Groce, N.(2009). Economic Valuations of Community Health Workers’ Recompense in Zambia. Geneva: World Bank/Human Resources for Health 

Book Chapters

Groce, N. (2009). Disability, Public Health and Social Injustice. Chapter 8 in Levy, B., Sidel, V. (ed.) Social Injustice and Public Health, 2nd edition

Kett, M., van Tulleken, A. (2009). Humanitarian Organizations and Their Coordination in Humanitarian Assistance. Chapter 5A in Hopperus Buma, A., Burris, D., Hawley, A., Ryan, J., Mahoney, P. (ed.) Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine: A Practical Guide. London: Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 31-48.

Lang, R., Officer, A. (2009). "Behind the Scenes Disability Advocacy" Chapter 26 in Alur, M., Timmons, V. (ed.) Inclusive Education Across Cultures: Crossing Boundaries, Sharing Ideas. New Delhi: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Lang, R., Murangira, A., (2009). Barriers to the Inclusion of Disabled People in Disability Policy-Making in Seven African Countries. Chapter 8 in Kampuvuori,J., Scheinin,M. (ed.) United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Helsinki: Center for Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Working Papers

Groce, N., Kett, M., Lang, R., Trani, J., Bailey, N. (August 2009) "The Potential Impact of the Global Economic Downturn on Persons with Disabilities (pdf)" Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 8. London: LCDIDC. 

Groce, N., Bakhshi, P. (August 2009) "Illiteracy among Adults with Disabilities in the Developing World: An Unexplored Area of Concern (pdf)". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 9. London: LCDIDC.

Trani, J. and Bakhshi, P. (October 2009) "Lack of a will or of a way? Taking a Capability Approach for Analysing Disability Policy Shortcomings and Ensuring Programme Impact in Afghanistan (pdf)". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 10. London: LCDIDC. 

Trani, J., Kett, M. (June 2009) "2nd Report Study on affected and excluded vulnerable children in Southern West Darfur (pdf)". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 13. London: LCDIDC 





Groce, N., Montero, F. (2008). Youth with Disabilities: Habilitation, Rehabilitation and General Health Care. One-in-Ten 26, 16-18

Rutten, A., Levin, L., Stuart, J., Kemer, K., Groce, N. (2008). Social Catalysts in Health Promotion Implementation. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 62(6): 560-565.

Trani, J., Bakhshi, P. (2008). Challenges of Assessing Disability Prevalence: the Case of Afghanistan. ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research 2(1):44-64.


Groce, N. (2008), Fifth Review and Appraisal of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons. Division for Social Policy and Development; Department of Economic and Social Policy series, New York: UN Secretariat.

Groce, N. (2008), HIV/AIDS and Disability: guide for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in HIV/AIDS Outreach Efforts. Washington: The World Bank. 

Lang, R. (2008), Disability Policy Audit in Namibia, Swaziland, Malawi and Mozambique: Final Report. Bulawayo: Southern African Federation of the Disabled.

Lang, R., Upah, L. (2008), Disability Scoping Study in Nigeria. London: DFID.

Prabu, D., Wingate, M., Butler, J., Canela, J., Groce, N., Hoffman, Y., Jones, A., Koh, H., Nick, G., Roush, R., Rowel, R., Sheyahshe, M., Shultz, J., Siador, C. (2008), 2006-2007 ASPH/CDC Vulnerable Populations Collaboration Group Preparedness Resource Kit. USA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Book Chapters

Groce, N. (2008). "Health Services: Disability and Rehabilitation" in Heggenhougen,K. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Public Health. Elsevier Publishers.

Kett, M., Geiger, M., Boersma, M. (2008). Community Based Rehabilitation and Families in Crisis. Chapter 7 in Hartley,S., Okune,J. (ed.) CBR: Inclusive Policy Development and Implementation. Norwich, UK: University of East Anglia, 110-140.

Kett, M., Trollope-Kumar, K. (2008). "Respect for Culture" in Arya,N., Santa Barbara,J. (ed.) Peace Through Health: How Health Professionals Can Work for a Less Violent World. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.

Working Papers

Kett, M., Ryan, J. (January 2008) "Pakistan Earthquake Assessment - Field Report 2005 (pdf)". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 7. London: LCDIDC. 





Groce, N., Ayorla, P., Kaplan, K. (2007). Immunization Status among Disabled Children in Coastal Ecuador: A Pilot Study with Unanticipated Findings. The Journal of Pediatrics 151(2), 218-220. 

Groce, N., Yousafzai, A., van der Mass, F. (2007). HIV/AIDS and Disability: a Pilot Survey of HIV/AIDS Knowledge Between Deaf and Hearing Populations, Nigeria. Disability and Rehabilitation 29(5), 367-371.

Kett, M., Rowson, M. (2007). Drivers of Violent Conflict. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 100(9), 403-406.

Neri, S., Bradley, B., Groce, N. (2007). Frequency of HIV Testing Among Persons with Disabilities: Results from the National Health Interview Survey, 2002. AIDS Education and Prevention 19(6)

Trani, J., Bakhshi, P. (2007). Household Survey: A Relevant Tool for Gathering Information on Disability? Journal for Disability and International Development 2, 13-24.

Trani, J., Bakhshi, P. (2007). La conduite d'enquête auprès des personnes handicapées en Afghanistan: défis d'un terrain et réponses méthodologiques. STATECO 101, 81-98


Lang, R., Chadowa, G. (2007), Disability Scoping Study in Zimbabwe. Harare: DFID Zimbabwe.

Groce, N., Mandesi, G. (2007) Collaboration is Key for Inclusive and Accessible HIV/AIDS Outreach for Persons with Disabilities. International Rehabilitation Review. 56(1):29-31.

Book Chapters

Groce, N. (2007). "Martha's Vineyard Deafness" in Bursch,S. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of the Deaf Community.

Kett, M. (2007). "Chapter 5: Conflict Recovery" Chapter 5 in Barron,T., Amerena,P. (ed.) Disability and Inclusive Development. London: Leonard Cheshire International.

Kett, M., Twigg, J. (2007). "Disability and Disasters: Towards an Inclusive Approach" in World Disaster Report 2007. Geneva: International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent 

Working Papers

Trani, J. (February 2007) "A new structure in the Government of Afghanistan for the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities: The National Disability Commission (NDC)" Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 2. London: LCDIDC. [Download paper 2 (pdf)]

Lang, R. (April 2007) "The Development and Critique of the Social Model of Disability". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 3. London: LCDIDC. [Download paper 3 (pdf)]

Bakhshi, P, and Trani, J. (April 2007) "Disability Prevalence: Challenges for Measurement". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 4. London: LCDIDC. [Download paper 4 (pdf)]

Lang, R. (June 2007) "The Situation of Disabled People in the Republic of South Africa". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 5. London: LCDIDC. [Download paper 5 (pdf)]

Kett, M., Dalrymple, M. (August 2007) "The Continuing 'Plight' of Displaced People in Bosnia-Herzegovina - Field Report August 2004". Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series no. 6. London: LCDIDC. [Download paper 6 (pdf)]