
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


International Centre for Lifecourse Studies gets animated!

19 March 2018

ICLS produces a short animated film to show the benefits to society of biosocial research using a lifecourse approach!

ICLS Gets Animated

The research team at the International Centre for Lifecourse Studies has been getting animated in a bid to promote its special brand of science and explain how life gets under our skin. The Centre, with the help of Cognitive Media, has produced a short animated film (see below) showing how its research uses longitudinal studies to examine how people's social circumstances and biology intertwine over their lives and impact on their health.

The film has been created to show just how valuable ICLS research is in creating evidence for policy makers, charities, businesses and all those with an interesting in promoting health and wellbeing over the lifecourse. The ICLS team also hopes it will encourage students to consider study and research careers in the area.