
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Health Surveys of the Americas and UK (ESARU)


ESARU stands for Encuestas de Salud de las Americas y Reino Unido (Health Surveys of the Americas and UK).  We are a network of researchers working on health examination surveys, seeking to compare survey methods and results from health surveys in the Americas and UK.  Our first publication compared the methods used in each survey "Comparison of health Examination survey methods in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, England, Scotland and the USA" Mindell et al. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1524098/.  Currently we are looking at obesity, hypertension and other health issues, comparing trends over time between different countries.

This study was partially funded by a Santander Research Catalyst Grant from UCL to enable some of the participants to attend a two-day workshop in Santiago to work on the study but this study was not otherwise funded.