Dr Clare Llewellyn is a co-investigator on this large, collaborative project, which aims to understand why, despite a range of food-related policies and interventions in place across London there continues to be increasing inequality in child health between different neighbourhoods. The 3-year project (2020-2023) incorporates a large household survey, led by Dr Clare Llewellyn, interviews with parents and caregivers, workshops, and engagement with local stakeholders, and is funded by the NIHR. The household survey is being conducted with families across several London neighbourhoods, with the aim of understanding the different food practices of children and their caregivers. This will provide valuable information about how food habits vary between families and the potential impact of different levels of income. The survey is being conducted by Natcen Social Research interviewers who have extensive experience of undertaking household surveys. https://blogs.city.ac.uk/familyfoodexperiencestudy/about-us/