
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


ESRC - Poverty Reduction: Liberia

ESRC - Poverty Reduction: Liberia

Project title

Understanding the Political and Institutional Conditions for Effective Poverty Reduction for Persons with Disabilities in Liberia

Project leader

Dr. Maria Kett, Principal Investigator

Centre staff working on this project

Ellie Cole
Nora Groce


Social Protection Liberia ESRC Grant

Department for International Development; Economic and Social Research Council 

Project duration

April 2014-March 2017

Main objectives

This research project investigated multidimensional poverty and well-being among individuals with disabilities and their families in Liberia. The findings support work on poverty alleviation and future longitudinal studies on causality between poverty and disability. Significantly, it has provided an evidence base for in-country decision making, including drafting and implementation of new National Human Rights Action Plan and National Disability Action Plan. Our research was the first to examine the effects that macroeconomic policies and related efforts (i.e. new disability-specific legislation) have on persons with disabilities, identifying Liberian-specific contextual solutions and best practices, and possibly a 'virtuous circle' where Liberian Government efforts can be reinforced through feedback from persons with disabilities and their organisations.

External Collaborators

Richard Ngafuan, University of Liberia

Project Updates

Focus groups and interviews to support research were undertaken in January by colleagues at the University of Libera. Data have been analysed and are being synthesised with the results of the quantitative survey. 

The research validation workshop was held in Monrovia on 1st May, 2017, and was attended by a variety of stakeholders.

Data collectors were trained in January 2016, and the survey was undertaken in five counties (Monserrado, Sinoe, Grand Bassa, Cape Mount and Lofa), February-April. 2,020 surveys were completed.

Data analysis began in July and is on-going. Initial findings were presented at the Lancaster Disability Studies conference in September.

Additional fieldwork is planned for October to further understand the findings that are emanating from the quantitative data.

Knowledge Transfer

Research Brief: Effective poverty reduction for persons with disabilities in Liberia

Building a Better Liberia for Everyone
9 November 2017
Dr. Maria Kett, Dr. Mark Carew and Ellie Cole were interviewed by Impact publication on the poverty reduction research in Liberia.

Presentation and Summary of Research Findings
28 July 2017
The research team presented a summary of the research findings in Monrovia.

Dr. Tim Colbourn presents at the Institute of Global Health Lunchtime seminar
12 April 2017
Project partner Dr. Colbourn presented on the projects findings Examining the health and wellbeing of persons with disabilities in Liberia (ppt)

Blog: Opportunities for better data about disability in Liberia?
23 January 2017
A blog post by Maria Kett and Ellie Cole was published as a guest column on the Bridging the Gap website
The blog can be read on the website: Opportunities for better data about disability in Liberia?

Dr. Tim Colbourn presents at a seminar on Ebola at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 11 November 2016
Project partner Dr. Colbourn presented on the projects findings in the context of Ebola and disability. Examining the health and wellbeing of persons with disabilities in Liberia (ppt)

Disability Studies Conference, University of Lancaster, 6-8 September 2016
Examining the wellbeing of persons with disabilities in Liberia. 
Presented by Ellie Cole[Download powerpoint of presentation]

The Guardian 'My job is to make children hopeful': inside Liberia's deaf school, 10th August 2016
Project PI, Dr. Maria Kett spoke with The Guardian about the grant  in a global education piece exploring the links between disability and poverty in Liberia. [Link to Dr. Kett's interview on the Guardian website]

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