SCOSSO: Safer Communities through Safer Schools
The project investigates the safety of school infrastructure in Phillipiness against different natural hazards, including earthquake, flood and typhoons.

14 July 2021
SCOSSO (Safer Communities through Safer Schools) project, funded by the EPSRC GCRF Small Grant (£125k), PI: Prof Carmine Galasso, co-I: Prof Dina D'Ayala, is a collaboration between UCL EPICentre, De La Salle University (DLSU) and Xavier University, Engineering Resource Centre, looking at safety of school buildings in Phillipiness against natural hazards. These buildings act as critical infrastructure for the country, as they are the main facility of educating the future generation and are also used as the main shelters in case of any emergency.
The Rapid Visual Survey procedures and tools are developed to swiftly monitor and identify the hazardous buildings. Using these methods, any structure may be assessed from its exterior without the benefit of building entry, detailed structural drawings or any complex analysis.
To swiftly determine the safety level of the surveyed buildings, the collected data from the rapid visual survey are related to vulnerability indices, tailored for various hazards, where higher values indicate the more vulnerable cases which need further detailed assessment.
The developed mobile application represents an initial step toward a detailed multi-hazard vulnerability assessment of school infrastructure. This can allow decision-makers to quickly identify the most vulnerable structures among the surveyed stock, guide more detailed data collection and structural assessment procedures and ultimately plan further retrofitting measures or if necessary replacement of the infrastructures.

Research Team
Prof Carmine Galasso (Principal Investigator)
Prof Dina D'Ayala (Co-Principal Investigator)
Dr Arash Nassirpour (Lead Researcher)
De La Salle University; Prof Andres W. Oreta, Dr Lessandro E. Garciano
Xavier University; Mr Dexter Lo
Rescue Global; Ms Rebekah Yore
SCOSSO Mobile App Features
- Instance multi-hazard vulnerability estimation,
- Instant data extraction to spread sheet,
- High precision location indicator,
- Built-in Photo Organiser,
- Full Offline Capabilities,
- Instant data sharing,
- Input confidence indicator,
- Cloud backup of all surveyed data,
- User-friendly interface & easy to use,
- Photographic user manual and guideline,
- Support for different output formats (.xls, .csv).
Download SCOSSO Mobile App (via Google Play Store)
Designed by Dr Arash Nassirpour & Prof Carmine Galasso
Developed by Federico Fregosi
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D., (2018). Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of School Infrastructure, 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11NCEE), Los Angeles, United States.
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D., (2018). A Mobile Application for Multi-Hazard Physical Vulnerability Prioritization of Schools, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), Special Session: Software for loss estimation: developments and applications, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D., (2018). Increasing Seismic Resilience of Philippine’s’ School Infrastructure through Seismic Retrofitting, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), Special Session: Earthquake repair/retrofit costs, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D., (2017). Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of School Infrastructure in Philippines, Building Resilience to Geohazards in the Face of Uncertainty Geological Society, London, UK.
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D., (2017). Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of School Infrastructure in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, 3rd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience (USAR), London, UK.
Latest News
- 24 February, 2017 - SCOSSO Workshops in Philippines on Safer Schools against Natural Disasters
Funded by
- i-RESIST - Increasing REsilience of Schools in Indonesia to earthquake Shaking and Tsunami (Research England + UCL Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Small Research Grants)
- Safer and Resilient Communities through Safer and Resilient School Facilities (Motorola Solution Foundation)
- SCOSSO - Safer Communities thrOugh Safer SchOols (EPSRC + UCL Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Small Research Grants)
- PRISMH - Philippines Resilience of Schools to Multi-Hazards (British Council, Newton Fund Institutional Links Grants)
- iNSPIRE - Indonesia School Programme to Increase Resilience (British Council, Newton Fund Institutional Links Grants)