EEFIT return mission to Nepal after the Gorkha earthquake – presentation of the initial findings
16 September 2022
Dr Rohit Kumar Adhikari presented at the event 'EEFIT return mission to Nepal after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake – presentation of the initial findings on the recovery/reconstruction' organised by the Institution of Structural Engineers, UK.

In May 2022, Dr Rohit Kumar Adhikari, a research fellow within the UNESCO Chair in DRR-RE at UCL, carried out a field mission to Nepal with the EEFIT team to study the recovery and reconstruction following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, seven years after the event. On 13th September 2022, Dr Adhikari presented his initial findings on the recovery/reconstruction of the school facilities and residential buildings. The in-person event was hosted at the Institution of Structural Engineers, London. There were also other presentations covering different aspects such as the application of remote sensing techniques to study the post-disaster and reconstruction situations. The event was attended by a number of participants from both the academia and industry. The recording of the presentation is available online at the Institution of Structural Engineers' website.
A report with further detailed account of the recovery/reconstruction from wider perspectives will be published in coming months.