Large scale structural tests are a means of properly understanding the physical phenomena involved in the response of buildings to actions from natural hazards. Since 2007 UCL EPICentre staff have been collaborating with a number of international laboratories to conduct large scale structural tests.
A long standing strategic partnership exists between EPICentre and the structural laboratories at University of Aveiro and University of Porto in Portugal. Within these laboratories we have conducted joint programmes of tests on full scale structural elements and subassemblages under earthquake and fire loading, separately and in sequence, through a number of research projects.
Several approaches to structural strengthening have been investigated, using traditional as well as innovative materials. Examples include the strengthening of reinforced concrete beam-column connections with fibre reinforced polymers for earthquake loading, strengthening of fire-damaged columns with fibre reinforced mortars (in collaboration with University of Edinburgh), and strengthening of reinforced concrete columns with smart memory alloy for earthquake loading (in collaboration with Queens University Belfast).
Relevant projects:
- Deformation capacity of RC elements
- Challenging RIsk - strengthening of beam-column joints
- Challenging Risk