
Innovation & Enterprise


UCL BaseKX user handbook

An introduction to UCL BaseKX, UCL's business incubator (the Hatchery) and enterprise scale up space in King’s Cross, London.

UCL BaseKX is a business incubator and enterprise scale up space in King’s Cross, London, supporting an innovative community of startups and events within the London Borough of Camden.

The centre is run by UCL Innovation & Enterprise, offering flexible workspace 5 days a week to help you grow your entrepreneurial skillset, professional network and business.

This handbook is designed to give you all the practical advice you need for a safe and successful time at UCL BaseKX. Empowering you to get involved in our events and the community, chat to those around you and seize all opportunities that may come your way.


Access procedures

Hours of operation

Members have access to BaseKX Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 21:00. (Opening times can be reviewed periodically). A security officer is present during these times.

BaseKX is closed during Easter, Christmas and on Bank Holidays. 

UCL access cards

To access UCL BaseKX you will need a UCL ID access card.

Access cards must be worn at all times at BaseKX for the safety and security of all persons on site.

Access cards are processed once you have been accepted into the Hatchery. Details on how to obtain your access card will be given following a mandatory induction of BaseKX. All members of your team (maximum of four) must have their own ID cards.

Please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk if you need a card to be processed for a new member of staff.

UCL ID cards are not processed for those who will be at UCL BaseKX for less than one month – please see section on visitors below.

If your access card is lost

You must take care of your UCL ID card at all times. If you have lost your card, please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk (a fee may be applied for replacements).

If your access card has expired

Access cards are issued in line with your licence/contract and will need renewing during the contract period. Cards expire after 12 months. Please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk with your card UPI number (found on ID badge) for your account to be extended.

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BaseKX guidelines

Signing in

Mandatory signing in is a requirement at BaseKX. The details you provided at your induction will be input into the system and be used for signing in and signing out purposes. If your details are not in the system you will not be permitted access to BaseKX.

Please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk if your details cannot be found in the signing in system.


All visitors must sign in and out using the sign in procedures at the reception entrance. UCL BaseKX members are responsible for the behaviour and safety of any visitors they admit into BaseKX.


Children are not allowed on site, for more information on the BaseKX position on children contact t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk


Animals of any kind (except guide dogs) are not allowed at BaseKX unless by prior agreement and written consent from t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk. Any animals brought into the premises must be domesticated and supervised at all times.

Health and safety and building induction

All members of your team wanting to work or use the space and facilities at BaseKX must attend a health and safety induction and building orientation.

Inductions are usually held weekly and are by appointment only. Please contact t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk


You're expected to be respectful of others sharing the space, and adhere to UCL's Code of Conduct for Students.


Lockers can be requested and are subject to availability. To request a locker please contact t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk

Conditions of use:

  • All lockers are the property of BaseKX.
  • Lockers should only be used by the person they are assigned.
  • Misuse of a locker may lead to termination of locker privileges.
  • The Entrepreneurship team reserves the right to open a locker without the consent of the registered locker owner in instances where locker procedures are being abused or in the case of an emergency.
  • Flammable materials, dangerous chemicals explosives or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited inside the lockers.
  • Perishable items, illegal or controlled substances such as drugs or alcohol are strictly prohibited inside the lockers.
  • Lockers should not have anything fixed to the interior or exterior of their lockers including stickers.
  • During use, any repair costs for damage will be the responsibility of the locker owner.
  • All personal items must be stored completely within a locker. All items left outside of a locker, whether secured or not, will be removed and disposed of accordingly.
  • Lockers no longer required should surrendered to the Operations Manager and thoroughly cleaned out.

Cycle storage

Bicycles are not permitted in the building. Bicycle parking is available at UCL BaseKX using the bike racks provided. You will need a gate fob key which you can request from t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk. Gate fobs are issued free of charge but if you lose it, you must pay £15 for it to be replaced.

UCL BaseKX accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to your bike or scooter and associated belongings.

No scooters, skateboards, skates or bikes are to be used, or allowed within, the UCL BaseKX premises.

    Car parking

    There are no car parking facilities at BaseKX.


    Leave showers in the state you found them.

    White boards 

    If using whiteboards, only use whiteboard markers. Boards must be cleared of information at the end of each session.

    Clear desk policy

    In the Hatchery we operate a clear desk policy. Desks must be cleared of all personal items at the end of the day. If furniture is moved, it must be returned to how it was before.

    Central courtyard

    Please be considerate of our neighbours living in the building above the UCL BaseKX premises.


    You will need permission for filming or photography at BaseKX. Please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk

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    Member information

    Scale up space

    The desks are fixed and have been assigned to specific companies. Please only work at your assigned desk.

    Hatchery desk space

    The Hatchery space is a ‘hot desk’ area. This means that there are no fixed desks for companies.


    Use the following address for post and deliveries:
    Your Name/Business
    UCL BaseKX,
    103c Camley Street,
    N1C 4PF.

    Post will be left at reception. All post received will need to be signed for. We have limited space, so can only hold items (where applicable), for a maximum of 48 hours. Otherwise post items may be returned to sender.

    Meeting room bookings

    Meeting rooms can be booked using the booking panels outside each meeting room. Meetings should be no longer than 2 hours unless agreed in advance with the Operations Manager.

    Meetings cannot be cancelled via the meeting room panels, if you need to cancel a meeting, please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk

    You should:

    • only use the meeting rooms for more than one person
    • be considerate of other companies when booking the meeting rooms
    • when finished with the room, set it out as illustrated in the pictures displayed within the room

    If necessary, UCL BaseKX reserve the right to overrule any booking.


    If you would like to hold an event at UCL BaseKX, please contact t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk

    Smoking, vaping and alcohol

    Smoking and vaping inside is strictly prohibited.

    The consumption of alcohol is prohibited at all times (except during a UCL event where alcohol is on offer).


    Do not use the UCL BaseKX address as a Registered Office Address for your company at Companies House. It can only be used for delivery purposes.

    As your company is independent from UCL, your company must devise its own risk assessment for working in the UCL BaseKX space (including but not limited to significant hazards, risks, controls, manual handling etc.). A copy of the UCL BaseKX risk assessment is available on request.

    This is the only logo (see below) you can use for your websites and materials as being part of the Hatchery. You’ll have more information about this in your contract.

    Logo which says 'Supported by UCL Innovation & Enterprise"

    Lost property

    You must take care of your belongings and ensure you take them away with you when you leave the space. BaseKX does not accept responsibility for any items stolen, misplaced or damaged within the BaseKX space.

    If you lose something, please let both the building security guard know and email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk

    When you plan to leave

    The following procedures should be followed when you plan to permanently leave UCL BaseKX.

    If you are a Hatchery startup planning to permanently leave UCL BaseKX, please speak to your Entrepreneurship Advisor, giving at least 1 months’ notice. Arrangements will then be made to book an exit interview with one of the team members. 

    If you are a company in the Scale up space planning to permanently leave UCL BaseKX, you must give us at least 1 months’ notice in writing, emailing t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk

    If a member of your team is planning to leave, please email t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk so their details can be removed.

    Useful contacts

    Terry Hosten, Operations Manager: t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk
    Euan Bell, Entrepreneurship Ventures Manager: euan.bell@ucl.ac.uk
    Jivko Hristov, Entrepreneurship Advisor: j.hristov@ucl.ac.uk
    Molly Casey, Entrepreneurship Advisor: molly.casey.21@ucl.ac.uk
    Chris Norwood, Entrepreneurship Advisor: christopher.norwood.18@ucl.ac.uk

    Reception - 020 3103 7553.

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    There are two kitchens at BaseKX. The main kitchen is in the Hatchery area.

    Kitchen space areas house fridges, microwave ovens, a sandwich toaster, dishwashers, Billi/Zip taps dispensing filtered hot and cold water.

    If anything in the kitchen is broken, please inform t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk.

    If you make a mess of something please clean it up.


    Please do not put metal objects in the microwave. Respect other users by avoiding cooking highly fragrant foods and promptly cleaning up any spills. Ensure microwaves are never left unattended while in use.

    Sandwich toaster

    Please keep the sandwich toaster clean.

    Boiling and filtered water

    Instant boiling water is available from the Billi/Zip taps or the coffee machine.


    Since the kitchen equipment is shared among all members, please be considerate of what you store in the fridge. Don't take food or drink that isn't yours, and avoid letting items spoil by removing them in a timely manner. Labelling items can help prevent confusion.

    The fridges undergo monthly deep cleaning, and any items past their expiration dates will be discarded.


    In our efforts to promote sustainability, it's crucial to properly sort our waste. Separate bins are provided for recyclable waste, non-recyclable waste, and compost. Please follow the instructions on the bins to ensure that your rubbish is disposed of correctly.

    Coffee machine

    A coffee machines is provided in the main kitchen for your use.

    Sinks and dishwasher

    Each kitchen has a sink and a dishwasher. Please don’t leave your food waste or dirty pots in the sink and please don’t leave your wet pots on the draining board. Dry them and put them away. Alternatively, there are dishwashers you can use.

    Please ensure that you are not adding dirty utensils to a cleaned dishwashing cycle. Better still empty it.

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    Fire safety precautions

    Emergency procedures

    In the event of an emergency, such as a fire, the alarm will sound. You will be expected to evacuate the building as quickly and as safely as possible.

    During staffed hours and events our team will be on hand to help, but it is expected members familiarise themselves with fire escapes and evacuation routes to evacuate independently.

    Evacuation points are based on Camley Street adjacent to the main entrance to BaseKX (Orange brick wall).

    If you spot a fire, please alert security at reception or trigger the closest manual fire alarm call point and follow our evacuation procedure.

    Fire alarm testing and drills

    It is a legal requirement that all fire alarms are tested regularly. The fire alarm is tested every Tuesday. If an alarm sounds for more than 15 seconds (or at any other time), then it is not a test and you must leave the building immediately, by the nearest available fire exit door.

    Know your escape route

    Green sign with white arrow pointing towards building exit
    Make yourself familiar with the emergency escape routes from your working area and other areas that you visit. Fire exit routes are marked by the green and white exit signs above doors. 

    Fire safety equipment

    For your protection, UCL BaseKX has a comprehensive fire safety system of smoke and heat detectors, fire extinguishers and fire blankets. All fire safety equipment is inspected and tested regularly. Please observe the following general health and safety.

    Mobility impairment and medical conditions

    If you have a medical condition, are pregnant or have a mobility or hearing impairment which could complicate an evacuation, you must immediately inform t.hosten@ucl.ac.uk to make sure help is arranged in the event of an evacuation. If required, an appropriate Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) will be devised for you.

    Do not use lift

    Do not use the lift during fire alarm activation or a suspected fire.

    Fire evacuation marshals (FEMs)

    UCL BaseKX staff are trained as fire evacuation marshals. A list detailing who they are can be found by the first aid kits.

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    Accidents and incidents

    First aid kits

    First aid kits are labelled and located in:

    • the scale up space kitchen
    • the Hatchery/staff space
    • the event café kitchen.

    Defibrillators are located in reception and in the staff area.

    How to contact a first aider

    Should you need assistance, a list of current first aiders can be found by the first aid kits in the hatchery, middle office and scale up space.

    If urgent medical assistance is needed, you should contact the ambulance service by dialling 999. If you do call an ambulance, please inform building security, to enable them to assist the ambulance service on arrival.

    If for some reason a first aider is not onsite and you require medical help, please call 999 and inform building security that you have done so.

    Reporting incidents

    All accidents and near misses on UCL BaseKX premises must be reported as soon as they can. Please inform building security and file a report on the issue yourself via SafetyNet, by clicking on 'Report an incident' and completing our online report form.

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    Lone working

    You may from time to time be working alone at BaseKX. To help create a safe environment, our security officer does periodic checks of our building every two hours but if you are working alone, please let security know.

    Photo of a panic alarm: a small box attached to a wall with 2 red buttons on the top
    Additionally, there are 5 panic alarms strategically located around the BaseKX space, in:
    • event space
    • café space
    • hatchery area
    • scale up space kitchen
    • scale up space working area.

    In the event of an emergency, please refer to security at reception in the first instance. If the panic alarm is needed, press both red buttons fully down to activate the panic alarm. You will not hear any sound. Instead, Security on UCL Campus will be notified and will contact the appropriate person to provide assistance.

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    Technical support while in BaseKX


    Wi-Fi for UCL and UCL BaseKX members is via eduroam. Your UCL card credentials will give you access to Eduroam, instructions on how to do this can be found on the ISD website.

    Wi-Fi for guests is through the UCLGuest network. Details on obtaining guest Wi-Fi can be found by the printer in the main office.

    For support please speak to the ISD Service desk on 020 779 5000.


    Your UCL login will allow printing. Please call the ISD Service desk 020 7679 5000 to set your printing account up. Printing usage is monitored, and any excessive copying may be charged to you.

    Microsoft Office 365

    As a Hatchery member, you have full access to Microsoft Office 365 Apps for enterprise. This includes:

    • Outlook (available as desktop software and as an app). Install and add your UCL email address here including other personal/professional emails in order to smoothly access multiple emails in one place)
    • MS teams (available as desktop software and as an app). This will be used as an official hatchery communication/community channel where we will be able to reach out to you regarding any hatchery events or updates. You will also be able to easily and instantly reach out, communicate and share ideas with us and other hatchery members.
    • SharePoint and OneDrive. A web-based collaboration and cloud storage space of 1TB accessible from anywhere online. You can use it to create, edit and share content between colleagues. Ideal for collaborating on upcoming projects or as a location to document operational tasks. More information on OneDrive.

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