UCL Engineering is thrilled to invite all Engineering PhD students to the UCL Engineering PhD Students Research Festival. Please see the programme below.
- 08:45 - 09:05 Registration (with refreshments)
- 09:05 - 09:10 Welcome by: Andrea Franchini, PhD students Rep, Faculty of Engineering Sciences
- 09:10 - 09:15 Welcome by: Richard Bucknall Vice Dean (Research) Faculty of Engineering Sciences
- 09:15 - 09:30 Welcome and Talk 'From your PhD research to a Unicorn start-up' by Professor Philip Treleaven
- 09:30 - 11:00 Session 1: Sustainability and safe infrastructures (10 speakers)
- Session 1 Speakers
Chair: Carmine Galasso (CEGE), Philip Treleaven (CS)
Speaker Title Department Fatima Ceballos Rodriguez-Conde Construction of a plastic-degrading synthetic microbial community Biochemical Engineering Andrea Franchini Competing Seismic safety and sustainability goals in cable-stayed bridges CEGE Jose Hernandez Ramirez Geographic intelligence Model on criminal groups, a case of study for cargo theft on highways Security and Crime Science Elan Mistry Photoelectrochemical Ammonia Synthesis Chemical Engineering Jing Xue Emotional textile through multisensory interaction design Computer Science Neba C Tony Pedestrian Safety in built environment CEGE Nuno Rocha Hydrogen combustion for net zero emissions Mechanical Engineering Pooneh Shah Malekpoor Seismic stochastic slope stability analysis CEGE Alex Sebestiani Novel intensified technologies for hydrogen production from waste Chemical Engineering Jose Concha Adobe blocks as replacement for brick houses CEGE
- 11:00 - 11:15 Refreshments break
- 11:15- 11:45 Activity 1 Speed research exchange (PhD students are randomly paired and have 2 minutes to explain their research project. Afterwards, one line moves rightwards, and the activity is repeated. Five changes in total)
- 11:45 - 13:30 Session 2: AI and advanced technologies (9 speakers)
- Session 2 Speakers
Chair: Emiliano De Cristofaro (CS), Aaron Finney (Chemical Engineering)
Speaker Title Department Sergi Bray “I knew in my heart if they were real. I’m not trolling”: Testing Human Ability to Detect “Deepfake” Images of Human Faces Security and Crime Science Tania Mahmood Using Molecular Dynamics to Unpin Antibody Interactions Under High Concentrations Biochemical Engineering Carlos Navarrete Leon Laboratory-based multi-contrast X-ray Imaging systems Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Matteo Errigo Addressing operational challenges in fluidized-bed reactor operation Chemical Engineering Erin Nolan Internal Dense, Continuous Granular Transport with Soft Robotics Mechanical Engineering Zhouyang Shen A predictive model of human responses to ultrasonic tactile stimulation Computer Science Doy Kwon Extracting cybercrime from Calls for Police Service data by supervised machine learning Security and Crime Science Joe Wright Offline Reinforcement Learning for rail junction prioritisation CEGE Jitesh Joshi Thermal Infrared Imaging based Extraction of Physiological Signals Computer Science
- 13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
- 14:30 - 16:00 Session 3: Healthcare innovation (9 speakers)
- Session 3 Speakers
Chair: Kenth Gustafsson (Biochemical Eng), Soorena Zohoori (EEE)
Speaker Title Department Samuel Watkin Developing risk assessments for pathogen contamination on hospital surfaces CEGE Jack Firth Characterising the Immunotherapeutic Capabilities of Bacterial Outer-Membrane Vesicles Biochemical Engineering Maryam Habibollahi A Bidirectional Active Microchannel Interface for Managing Post-Cardiac Transplant Symptoms Electronic and Electrical Engineering Ferdinando Sereno Robust process development for protein nanoparticle-based vaccines Biochemical Engineering Alissa Parmenter Biomechanics of the vertebral endplate analysed using synchrotron tomography and digital volume correlation Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Lucy Todd Nature Inspired 3D Scaffolds to improve ex vivo T-Cell Culturing Environments for Adoptive Cell Transfer Cancer Immunotherapy Chemical Engineering Zeena Shawa Disease Progression Modelling and Subtyping in Parkinson's Disease Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Tigmanshu Bhatnagar A novel tactile display for braille and graphics for students with visual impairments Computer Science Kai Mason Neural Imaging with Electrical Impedance Tomography Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
- 16:00 - 16:30 Activity 2 Bingo coffee (everyone is given a bingo card and goes around to find people who can sign each of the squares. The winner is the first person with a different signature in each square)
- 16:30 - 17:45 Session 4: Innovation in materials (10 speakers)
- Session 4 Speakers
Chair: Yaan Wang (CEGE), Thomas Peach (Mech Eng)
Speaker Title Department Gyorgy Ovari Electrospun nanofiber adsorbents in bioprocessing Biochemical Engineering Matthew Poulton Structural Integrity of GFRP Bridge Decks with Fibre Misalignments CEGE Farnaz Fahimi Organic electronics for physiological measurements Electronic and Electrical Engineering Christian Partik Animate linkage fabrics for a sustainable material economy Mechanical Engineering Danting Chen Metal speciation in co-processing of hazardous industrial wastes in cement kiln CEGE Semyon Bodian Functionalised Composite Materials for Guiding Minimally-Invasive Surgical Interventions Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Rehan Shah Nonlinear Mechanics of Elastic Rods Constrained to Deform on Rigid Tubular Surfaces CEGE Alessandro Rossi Nanofabrication for innovative X-Ray Imaging Electronic and Electrical Engineering Mariana Bento 3D-printed Phantoms for Paediatric Radiotherapy Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Wen Sun Microwave curing on reinforced concrete CEGE
- 17:45 - 18:30 Activity 3 Collaborative research project drafting (Students are organised in round tables and try to develop a research project outline regarding one of the six UCL Grand Challenges https://www.ucl.ac.uk/grand-challenges/six-ucl-grand-challenges)
- 18:30 - 21:00 Drinks reception