UCL Engineering: Process Safety Game Workshop
24 February 2023, 3:30 pm–4:45 pm
Would you like to grow your understanding of Industrial Process Safety & help improve your design projects?
Event Information
Open to
- UCL students
- Yes
UCL Engineering Careers
UCL Careers Seminar Room, 4th Floor40 Bernard StreetLondonWC1N 1LE
What do you know about Industrial Process Safety? How would you react in a real life Process Safety Incident? Would you like to grow your understanding of Industrial Process Safety & help improve your design projects?
Come along and test your skills in a simulated Process Safety Emergency Response event, run by Chemical Engineers with Industry experience!
Participating in this workshop will enable you to:
1. Improve engineering project designer skills
2. Improve hazard identification and risk assessment skills
3. Enhance problem solving skills
4. Improve teamwork skill in a real life process safety emergency situation