
UCL Engineering


Webinar | Machine learning assisted computational design of soft mesoscale materials

31 March 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Soft matter in close up under a magnifying glass

Organised by the Energy and Environment Research Group, UCL Engineering.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

All | UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni






Nelia Jurado Pontes on behalf of UCL Mechanical Engineering's Energy and Environment Research Group – Mechanical Engineering

About the webinar 

Recent applications of the lattice Boltzmann method for the computational design of soft mesoscale materials will be presented, with specific focus on the motion dense emulsions in confined microchannels with strictions and apertures. The effects of changing geometrical parameters on the rheological properties of the flowing emulsion, as well as on their dynamic morphology, will be systematically explored. Finally, he will comment on the resort to machine-learning algorithms for the automatic identification and tracking of the droplet trajectories within the microflows.

  • Image caption: Droplets running over a multi-coloured background. 
  • Image credit: Unsplash. 

Please note, this webinar is open to everyone, but is aimed at an academic audience. No registration is required. 

Webinar Joining Link


About the Speaker

Dr Sauro Succi

Dr Sauro Succi serves as Senior Research Executive and Principal Investigator at the Center for Life Nano Sciences at la Sapienza of the Italian Institute of Technology and Research Affiliate of the Physics Department of Harvard University. His research activity covers a broad range of topics related to complex states of flowing matter, such as thermonuclear plasmas, fluid turbulence, micro and nanofluidics, soft matter as well as quantum and subnuclear fluids such as quark gluon plasmas.

Dr Succi is best known for his contributions to the early inception, development and application of the Lattice Boltzmann method, for which he has received a number of international awards, including the Alexander von Humboldt Award in Physics (2002), the APS 2017 Aneesur Rahman Prize in Computational Physics and the 2019 CECAM Berni Alder Prize for exceptional contributions to the microscopic simulation of matter. He is also an elected member of Academia Europaea (2015).