
UCL Engineering


Insta Live | UCL Engineering Careers talk Work Experience | UCL Engineering Welcome Festival 2021

01 October 2021, 12:00 pm–12:30 pm

A close up of a hand holding a mobile logging into Instagram.

Join expert Careers Consultant, Alice Moon and 4th year UCL Chemical Engineering student, Cem Yirik, live on Instagram to get insider knowledge and tips on all things work experience! You will find out where to find work experience, why it's valuable for your future career and how to get it formally recognised by UCL on your HEAR.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







UCL Engineering Careers Team

Understand the benefits of getting work experience, find out how and where to source opportunities and learn how to get your work experience formally recognised by UCL on your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report).

As well as this special Induction Week event, UCL Engineering Careers will be going live on Instagram every Friday at 12-12.30pm during autumn term.

Tune in on your lunch break for bite-sized career tips and useful insights, plus check out IGTV for the Instagram Live recordings! 

Follow UCL Engineering Careers on Instagram to join: @uclengineeringcareers

Image credit: Solen Feyissa on Unsplash.

Discover more UCL Engineering Welcome Festival 2021 events

About the Speakers

Alice Moon

Careers Consultant, UCL Engineering Careers Team at UCL

More about Alice Moon

Cem Yirik

4th year UCL Chemical Engineering student at UCL

Instagram Widget Placeholderhttps://www.instagram.com/p/CSyvXxBNSju/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


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