
UCL Engineering


LGBTQ+ Equality at UCL Engineering

Resources on LGBTQ+ equality at UCL and beyond.

LGBTQ+ people are a valued part of our community at UCL Engineering, as engineers in general, and in the wider world. Below we've provided context on LGBTQ+ equality in our Faculty, as well as resources at UCL and beyond. We use the term "LGBTQ+" to mean "lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer/questioning" with the + signifying other gender or sexual minorities not otherwise mentioned.

 Further information

Support and resources at UCL
  • LGBTQ+ Equality - UCL's Office of the President and Provost (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion).
  • As part of the Bite-Sized EDI series, a one-hour session, Respecting gender identity at work: a crash course in pronouns and titles, is available. Contact Johanna Novales to book a session for your team. [Internal staff only]
External support and resources


Self-education resources

For further queries, please contact equalities@ucl.ac.uk

Visit UCL's Report + Support website to report bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct