The Health Impact of Domestic Energy Efficiency Measures (HIDEEM) model has been developed for DECC by the UCL Energy Institute and the Complex Built Environment Systems Group of the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
The model provides:
- Estimates of indoor environmental exposures experienced in the GB housing stock.
- Changes in exposures following the application of energy efficiency measures and any resulting change in health.
The aim of the Health Impact of Domestic Energy Efficiency Measures (HIDEEM) model is to quantify the indoor environmental conditions and monetise the health impact associated with energy efficiency changes in houses in Great Britain of the type and scale detailed in DECC's broad-ranging programme of interventions.
Over the next 20 years, the UK housing stock is expected to undergo a transformation in terms of energy efficiency, initiated by such programmes as Warm Front, Green Deal and ECO, Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), and smart metering. These programmes will have different direct impacts on human health while addressing carbon emissions and alleviating fuel poverty. The mix of impacts on both costs to government and benefits to human health need to be reflected in on going impact and sustainability assessments.
HIDEEM uses survey data from the English Housing Survey (EHS) to model the health impacts related with housing energy efficiency measures. The model broadly includes two main components:
- building physics-based models of the indoor environment in UK houses (including: temperature, concentrations of particle pollution, second hand tobacco smoke, radon, and risk of mould growth); and,
- models to quantify associated health impacts of exposure changes using life table methods.
Model summary
Type: | Bottom-up, household level health impact model |
Purpose: | Provide estimates of indoor environmental exposures experienced in the GB housing stock and changes in exposures due to applied energy efficiency measures resulting in a change in health. |
Policy impact | 2012 DECC Energy Efficiency Strategy; 2012 Green Deal and ECO Impact Assessment |
Spatial scale: | UK, GB, England and Wales, Scotland, and English Regions |
Temporal scale: | Annual |
Main contact: | Ian Hamilton |
Other contacts: | Mike Davies |
HIDEEM documentation is currently not publically available.
Journal papers
Jones B. M., Das P., Chalabi Z., Davies M., Hamilton I., Lowe R., Milner J., Ridley I., Shrubsole C. and Wilkinson P. (2013) The Effect of Party Wall Permeability on Estimations of Infiltration from Air Leakage. International Journal of Ventilation.
Shrubsole C., Ridley I., Biddulph P., Milner J., Vardoulakis S., Ucci M., Wilkinson P., Chalabi Z. and Davies M. (2012) Indoor PM2.5 exposure in London's domestic stock: Modelling current and future exposures following energy efficient refurbishment. Atmospheric Environment 62, 336-343.
Conference papers
Das P., Shrubsole C., Davies M., Jones B., Hamilton I., Chalabi Z., Milner J., Wilkinson P. and Ridley I. (2013) Does a ventilation rate optimized for good health and low heat loss depend on built form? Central European Symposium on Building Physics, Vienna, Austria.
Das P., Chalabi Z., Jones B., Davies M., Hamilton I. G., Milner J., Ridley I., Shrubsole C. and Wilkinson P. (2012) A multi-criterion method for examining the health and energy impacts of air change rates in dwellings. 33rd AIVC Conference and 2nd TightVent Conference - Optimising Ventilative Cooling and Airtightness for 'Nearly' Zero-Energy Buildings, IAQ and Comfort. AIVC, Copenhagen, Denmark.