New team member: Henrique Buglia
31 March 2021
Henrique Buglia began his PhD last month, joining us from Brazil where he's currently working remotely. Welcome to the Optical Networks Group, Henrique!

Henrique is working on modeling ultra-wideband optical fibre transmission systems, focussing on the nonlinearities that arise when ultra-wideband signals are used to transmit information. He also plans to develop and apply digital signal processing and machine learning techniques to mitigate the nonlinear distortion in ultra-wideband transmission.

Henrique is currently working remotely in his hometown of Santo Andre, a district of Sao Paulo in Brazil, due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. When he's able to join us in person, Henrique is looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from the team, both academically and culturally. We are too, and in the meantime, we're enjoying this lovely sunset photo taken from the balcony of Henrique's apartment.
Henrique is supervised by Dr Lidia Galdino, and jointly funded by Microsoft and EPSRC.