
UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Fully funded PhD scholarship in Integrated Photonic Systems for Distributed Quantum Computing

Duration of study: Full time - 4 years fixed term
Starting date: Flexible, available from
May or October 2025
Application deadline
No closing date, the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

Primary SupervisorDr Alfonso Ruocco, Lecturer in Optical Communications & Networks

Secondary Supervisor: Prof Georgios Zervas, Professor of Optical Networked Systems

Project DescriptionThis PhD project aims to explore theoretical and experimental methods to develop integrated photonic systems in order to support distributed quantum computing operations and secure communication. This will include but not limited to the design and testing of integrated entangled sources, memories and subsystems, as well as the design of novel protocols for hybrid classical-quantum communication.

The position is supported by EPSRC Industrial CASE in partnership with BT.

FundingThis is an EPSRC funded studentship. Please read the fee details carefully here: EPSRC Doctoral Training at UCL - Prospective Students | UCL EPSRC Doctoral Training - UCL – University College London. Students will receive a £21,237/year stipend for living costs increasing with inflation as well as a top-up contribution towards travel and consumables.

Qualifications required

Candidates should have or expect to achieve an excellent degree(s) in Electronic Engineering or a related discipline.

The candidate should pass the entry requirements of PhD programme at UCL EEE: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate/research-degrees/electronic-and-electrical-engineering-mphil-phd

How to applyApplications must be made using the UCL online application system by using the UCL postgraduate study application form. Please mark it to the attention of Dr Alfonso Ruocco.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion: Our research is driven forward by talented researchers and PhD students who come from countries and backgrounds across the globe. We therefore strongly encourage applications from underrepresented backgrounds in engineering, such as women, ethnic minorities, or people with disabilities– EEE is a great place for you to study! We will make reasonable adjustments at interview and/or in the position as requested.

ContactFor informal inquiries please contact Dr Alfonso Ruocco a.ruocco@ucl.ac.uk or Prof George Zervas g.zervas@ucl.ac.uk who will be happy to answer any queries about the project.