The upgrade seminar is a formal assessment, which takes place as a viva conducted by an examining panel that assess a written report and your defence of it.
As a research degree student, you are expected to be able to explain and justify your research, as set out in your written report, in response to questions by the panel.
The regulations for the upgrade process can be found in the Academic Regulations for Research Degree Students – access the regulations.
The criteria for the upgrade decision are specified in the Research Degree Upgrade Guidelines - access the guidelines.
The upgrade panel normally consists of the second supervisor, who chairs the viva, plus at least two other academics. If the second supervisor cannot be present at the viva, the graduate tutor will, in consultation with the second supervisor, appoint a substitute with sufficient knowledge of the specific research area.
The first supervisor normally attends as an observer and may participate in discussion if invited, but is not a member of the panel.
Supervisors and students should familiarise themselves with the guidelines and reporting procedures, below.
Research degree guidelines and reporting procedures summary
An outline of the process is:
- The relevant supervisors and the student agree a pathway to the upgrade / viva.
- The student submits a report to the panel in advance of the upgrade / viva.
- The supervisor submits a short progress report to the student and the panel before the upgrade / viva takes place.
- The upgrade / viva takes place.
- Following the upgrade / viva, the panel consults and then decides one of the following:
- The student has passed;
- That to pass the student must meet specified criteria by a given date, with a further viva;
- That to pass the student meet specified criteria by a given date, without a further viva;
- That the panel will confer further before informing the student of their decision, which should take place as soon as possible; or,
- That the student has not passed and the reasons for this.
6. If the student is deemed to have passed the upgrade / viva, the panel chair completes the Uprade Form on behalf of the panel: access the form.
7. The Upgrade report is then circulated to all the participants and then retained in the student’s departmental file.
8. If the upgrade / viva is not passed, a second attempt is permitted within a specified time frame (see the Upgrade Guidelines for details). If this second upgrade / viva is not passed, the student cannot proceed to a PhD and remains registered for an MPhil degree.