
UCL Department of Economics


ECON1004 - Introduction to Mathematics for Economics

Term 1


To provide students with the mathematics to take them from GCE A level standard to that required for the remainder of the economics degree


At the end of the module, students should:

  • Understand elementary matrix algebra in a form suitable for application to econometrics and optimization.
  • Understand calculus of several variables, including optimization of functions of several variables, and be able to apply their knowledge to simple economic problems.
  • Understand simple first order differential and difference equations and be able to apply their knowledge to simple problems in economic dynamics.
Taught by:
Malcolm Pemberton
Assessment: 20 lectures, 10 demonstration classes and 5 compulsory tutorial classes with accompanying exercises - students must complete 4 problem sets during the term. 2-hour unseen written examination in Term 3.
Suitable for:
  • Compulsory for 1st Year Economics (L100) students.
  • Compulsory for 1st Year Economics/Geography (LL17) and Philosophy/Economics (VL51) students
  • Available to ESPS (R990) students
Prerequisites: GCE A level mathematics at Grade B or above (or equivalent)
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