The 10th RES PhD Meetings 2015 will be held on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th January 2015 at University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.
Programme Chair: Martin Cripps, UCL
This annual meeting has grown to be a successful event, well supported by both students and recruiters. The meeting allows UK and European academic and non academic recruiters to interview potential candidates. There are also opportunities for PhD students to present their work and attend plenary sessions covering practical advice, e.g. 'getting published'.
More information can be found on the Royal Economic Society’s Website.
On The Day
Please register and pick up your delegate pack when you arrive in the South Cloisters, Main Wilkins Building, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.
Your pack will contain a map and conference programme with full details of session locations and also wireless internet connection instructions.
The meetings are open both to current job market candidates and to PhD students who are planning to go on the job market. There is no charge for attending, but students must be members of the Royal Economic Society. Please note that the registration deadline was Thursday 18th December and registration is now closed.
RES Student Membership
Your RES membership number is required to register for this event.
RES 2015 online-only student membership fees are £10 for a one-year calendar term (Jan 2015 - Dec 2015) or £17 for a three year membership (Jan 2015 - Dec 2017).
Become a Member of the Royal Economic Society
Paper Submissions
Paper submissions are now closed.
The programme overview can be downloaded by clicking the link below:-
Detailed Session Programme is Now Live
List of Attending Recruiters
Bank of England
Centre for Excellence in Economic and Finance Research (CEFER), Vilnius University & Bank of Lithuania
European Central Bank
Financial Conduct Authority
Institute for Fiscal Studies
Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Department of Public Economics
NHH, Norwegian School of Economics
Royal Holloway University London
Swedish Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University
University of Bristol
University of Cardiff
University of East Anglia
University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School
University of Kent
University of Leicester
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of St Andrews, School of Economics & Finance
University of Sheffield
University of Southern Denmark, Department of Business and Economics
University of Surrey, Department of Economics
University of Sussex
University of York
ZEW Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany
If you are a recruiter interested in attending the 2015 RES PhD Meetings please contact the RES Office Manager , Amanda on, by Thursday 18th December.
Getting to UCL
Plenary Slides
Introduction to the Job Market (Esteban Aucejo, LSE and Swati Dhingra, LSE)
How to get Published (Martin Cripps, UCL)