
UCL Department of Economics


The UCL Department of Economics announces research seminars for Week 9 of Term 1 2024

15 November 2024

Our research is essential - find out about the research seminars scheduled for Week 9 of Term 1 2024 in the department 

image of the UCL forecourt from the Portico

Computational Research Seminar  
Speaker: Jiayue Tao (Emma).
Title: ‘Introduction to R/Studio on Myriad’.
Date: Monday 18 November, 1300-1400hrs. 
Venue: Drayton House G26/Online - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): f.cetin@ucl.ac.uk
Further info: Link to past recordings, Link to hybrid seminar

CEMMAP Research Seminar
Speaker: Kevin Dano, Princeton University.
Title: 'Transition Probabilities and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Fixed Effects Logit Models'.
Date: Tuesday 19 November, 1230-1330hrs. 
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): daniel.j.lewis@ucl.ac.ukb.deaner@ucl.ac.uk.
Further info: Seminar seriesSeminar signup.

Human Capital and Labor Markets Research Seminar
Speaker: Alex Bryson, UCL SRI.
Title: 'The Gender Wage Gap Across Life: Effects of Genetic Predisposition Towards Higher Educational Attainment'.
Date: Tuesday 19 November, 1430-1530hrs. 
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.

THEBES Research Seminar
Speaker: Tom Palfrey, California Institute of Technology.
Title: 'Dynamic Collective Action and the Power of Large Numbers'.
Date: Tuesday 19 November, 1600-1730hrs. 
Venue: Drayton House B03 Ricardo LT - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): duarte.goncalves@ucl.ac.ukd.kattwinkel@ucl.ac.uk.
Further info: Seminar series

Finance Research Seminar
Speaker: Stephan Luck, New York Federal Bank.
Title: 'Failing banks'.
Date: Wednesday 20 November, 1030-1200hrs. 
Venue: Drayton House, 321 - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): jihee.yoon@ucl.ac.uk.

IFS Research Seminar
Speaker: Ceren Ozgen, University of Birmingham.
Title: 'Robots and Workers'.
Date: Wednesday 20 November, 1230-1345hrs. 
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): rozeena.newell@ifs.org.uk.

Macro Research Seminar
Speaker: Chen Lian, UC Berkeley.
Title: 'Why do Workers Dislike Inflation? Wage Erosion and Conflict Costs'.
Date: Thursday 21 November, 1200-1330hrs. 
Venue: School of Pharmacy, M2 - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): a.olivi@ucl.ac.ukl.rachel@ucl.ac.uk.

Applied Micro Research Seminar
Speaker: Dan Björkegren, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).
Title: 'Public and Private Transit: Evidence from Lagos'.
Date: Thursday 21 November, 1200-1330hrs. 
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): l.conwell@ucl.ac.uk.

IFS-UCL-LSE Development Workshop
Speaker: Ajay Shenoy, UCSC.
Title: 'Measuring and Estimating Retail Productivity'.
Date: Thursday 21 November, 1400-1500hrs. 
Venue: IFS Library - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): britta_a@ifs.org.uk.

PhD Research Seminar
Speaker: Alexander Clyde, UCL.
Title: 'Narrow Inference and Incentive Design'.
Date: Friday 22 November, 1200-1300hrs. 
Venue: Drayton House, Room 321 - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s): lyujia.liu.20@ucl.ac.uk.
Further info: Seminar signup.


Kings College London: Bank of England Watchers' Conference 2024
Date: Monday 25 November, 0815-1730hrs. 
Venue: 155 Bishopsgate, London - visit the location on a map.
Further info: Register attendance.