The UCL Department of Economics announces research seminars for Week 12 of Term 1 2024
6 December 2024
Our research is essential to what we do - find out about the research seminars scheduled for Week 12 of Term 1 2024 in the department (*n.b. there is one additional seminar on 19/12/24).
Joint CeMMAP-Macroeconomics Seminar
Speaker: Frank Schorfheide, University of Pennsylvania.
Title: 'Measuring the Effects of Aggregate Shocks on Unit-Level Outcomes and Their Distribution.'
Date: Tuesday 10 December, 1230-1330hrs.
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s):,,,
Further info: Seminar series; Seminar signup.
Human Capital and Labor Markets Research Seminar
Speaker: Imran Rasul, UCL / IFS.
Title: TBC
Date: Tuesday 10 December, 1430-1530hrs.
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.
Finance Research Seminar
Speaker: Niels Gormsen, Chicago Booth.
Title: 'Sticky Discount Rates.'
Date: Wednesday 11 December, 1600-1730hrs.
Venue: Drayton House, B20 Jevons LT - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s):
Applied Micro Research Seminar
Speaker: Ali Yurukoglu, Stanford.
Title: 'Streaming and Bundling in Video Entertainment.'
Date: Thursday 12 December, 1200-1330hrs.
Venue: IFS Conference Room - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s):
IFS-UCL-LSE Development Workshop
Speaker: Nick Cerkez, Oxford/UCL.
Title: 'Mental Health During Conflict? A RCT on Psychosocial Programming in Conflict-affected Myanmar.'
Date: Thursday 12 December, 1400-1500hrs.
Venue: IFS Library - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s):
PhD Research Seminar
Speaker: Cristian Espinosa, UCL.
Title: 'From Protection to Retaliation: The Welfare Cost of Trade wars.'
Date: Friday 13 December, 1200-1300hrs.
Venue: Drayton House, Room 321 - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s):
Further info: Seminar signup.
IFS-UCL-LSE Development Workshop
Speaker: Philipp Barteska, LSE.
Title: TBC
Date: Thursday 19 December, 1400-1500hrs.
Venue: IFS Library - visit the location on a map.
Seminar organiser(s):
Internal event(s) of interest
Git Hub for Researchers
Date: Monday 9 December, 1300-1400hrs.
Venue: Hybrid / Drayton House, Room G26 - visit the location on a map.
Join online: Teams
Link to the recording after the event: Sharepoint
UCL Department of Economics Christmas Party
Date: Monday 9 December, 1700-2100hrs.
Venue: 120 Euston Road, London, Greater London, NW1 2AL - visit the location on a map.
Further info: Book your place.
UCL Institute of the Americas Public Seminar Series: The implications of a second Trump administration for Latin America
Date: Wednesday 11 December, 1700-1900hrs.
Venue: 51 Gordon Square, 103 - visit the location on a map.
Further info: Book ticket.
Open Calls of interest
SHS Student Ambassador Scheme
FAO: For current undergraduate and postgraduate students
Deadline: Closes Friday Dec, 13
Link: Apply now-