
UCL Department of Economics


CReAM - Brown Bag Seminar - Valentina Melentyeva (University of Cologne)

05 May 2023, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm

UCL Sign

Child Penalty Estimation and Mothers' Age at First Birth

Event Information

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Julian Costas-Fernandez

Child penalty estimations based on event studies have become a popular tool to assess changes in post-birth labor market outcomes of women. We show that, due to effect heterogeneity by mothers’ age at first birth, this approach is prone to suffer from the issues documented in the literature on staggered difference-in-differences models. We also discuss how differences between women by age at birth limit the applicability of new heterogeneity-robust event study estimators. Finally, we propose an alternative solution to estimate post-birth earnings losses using imputation of counterfactual growth rates.

Location: 321, Drayton House or Zoom

Link to Seminar Series