
Eastman Dental Institute


Dr Nima Amin

Studying on our Orthodontics MClinDent

Dr Nima Amin Orthodontics postgraduate

I chose to study at UCL Eastman because of the Institute’s world-renowned reputation in dentistry and postgraduate education as well as its excellent location in central London. 

I have enjoyed all aspects of the Orthodontic MClinDent programme at the Eastman and in particular the research opportunities. I had fantastic research supervisors for my own research project and felt fully supported and encouraged throughout. I presented my research at the British Orthodontic Conference and was also awarded the JJ Thompson Research Protocol Prize by the British Orthodontic Society for the best research protocol. 

Since graduating, I have stayed on in the department to commence further training within the specialty to become a consultant orthodontist.

Completing my degree at the Institute has given me a solid foundation on which to build my orthodontic career. I feel confident within my specialty and I believe studying at the Eastman has opened many doors,  and will continue to do so throughout my professional career.

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