
Eastman Dental Institute


Student research outputs

See a selection of our current research student's latest papers and posters below

Recent papers:

Title Student authors /contributors
Monomer conversion, dimensional stability, strength, modulus, surface apatite precipitation and wear of novel, reactive calcium phosphate and polylysine containing dental composites K. Kangwankai, S. Sani, P. Panpisut
Early Adhesion of Candida albicans onto Dental Acrylic Surfaces S. Aguayo
Combining nano-physical and computational investigations to understand the nature of “aging” in dermal collagen T. Ahmed
The Impact of a Postgraduate Learning Experience on the Confidence of General Dental Practitioners
P. Fine
Has the quality of reporting in periodontology changed in 14 years? A systematic review N. Leow
Efflux in the Oral Metagenome: The Discovery of a Novel Tetracycline and Tigecycline ABC Transporter L. Reynolds
PCR-based detection of composite transposons and translocatable units from oral metagenomic DNA
S. Tansirichaiya
Regulation of post-Golgi LH3 trafficking is essential for collagen homeostasis
A. Strange
Detection of Novel Integrons in the Metagenome of Human Saliva S. Tansirichaiya, MA Rahman
Using Stem Cells to Grow Artificial Tissue for Peripheral Nerve Repair
K.S. Bhangra, F. Busuttil

Recent posters:

Effect of collagen concentration gradients on neurite elongation
Celine Kayal, Rebecca Shipley, James Phillips

Evidence of a dysregulated systemic immune response associated
with oral lichen planus
E Marlina, S Fedele, S Porter, AM Smith

Cellular responses to metal ions released from different implant-abutment couples
Ghada Alrabeah, Peter Brett, Jonathan Knowles and Haralampos Petridis

Comparison of the remineralisation potential of five toothpastes on eroded human enamel produced by a soft drink
Alhamdan M, McDonald A, Knowles J

A comparative study of single and multi-species biofilm removal from the wall of a simulated root canal model by passive or active sodium hypochlorite irrigant
Saif alarab A. Mohmmed, Morgana E. Vianna, Jonathan C. Knowles