
UCL Earth Sciences


PhD Template

To analyse the economics of carbon capture and storage technologies and the required diffusion level to achieve China’s net-zero target.

PhD project title:

The prospect of gas shales for carbon capture, utilisation and storage in China to reduce CO2 emissions: Environmental impacts and related risks.

He Maisie Yue
Project description:

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) to decarbonize fossil fuels is an important energy transition strategy for China in the short term. This research will investigate the potential of Ordos Basin and Sichuan Basin in China to explore the contribution of fossilbased CCUS technologies to a net-zero China energy system policy by 2060 and its technological development prospects.

My research will assess the following:

  • The CO2 storage potential of sandstone-shale-limestone inter beds in Sichuan and Ordos basins based on their geological properties such as porosity, permeability and mineralogy.
  • Examine the lithology and basin evolution of Sichuan and Ordos basins to assess CO2 trapping mechanisms and storage integrity.
  • Analysing the economics of CCUS technologies and required diffusion level to achieve China’s net-zero target.

I will also use an integrated approach to characterise the gas shale properties based ongeochemical analyses and basin modelling using industrial software (Permedia and Neftex). I will complement my research with the economics of CCUS technologies using energy economy model (TIAM-UCL: TIMES Integrated Assessment Model).

Academic Background:
BSc: Environment Science (University of Nottingham, 2019)
MSc: Global Management of Natural Resources (UCL, 2020)