
UCL Earth Sciences


Dr Ashley Stanton-Yonge Sesnic

Tectonics, structural geology, rock physics

Research Associate - Structural Geology & Rock Physics

Ashley Stanton-Yonge




Research Associate K. Lonsdale Building, 

Courses Taught:

Non-Teaching Appointment

Research Group(s):


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Research Summary

I study rock deformation and fluid flow through porous-fractured rocks from the scale of laboratory samples to that of hundreds of meters sized reservoirs, using experimental and field methods. My current project aims to quantify the effect of true triaxial states of stress in the elastic and fluid flow properties of rocks. 


StantonYonge, A., Mitchell, T.M. and Meredith, P.G., 2023. The HydroMechanical Properties of Fracture Intersections: PressureDependant Permeability and Effective Stress Law. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth128(2), p.e2022JB025516.


Mahzari, P., Stanton-Yonge, A., Sanchez-Roa, C., Saldi, G., Mitchell, T., Oelkers, E.H., Hjorleifsdottir, V., Snaebjornsdottir, S.O., Ratouis, T., Striolo, A. and Jones, A.P., 2021. Characterizing fluid flow paths in the Hellisheidi geothermal field using detailed fault mapping and stress-dependent permeability. Geothermics94, p.102127.


Stanton-Yonge, A., Cembrano, J., Griffith, W.A., Jensen, E. and Mitchell, T.M., 2020. Self-similar length-displacement scaling achieved by scale-dependent growth processes: Evidence from the Atacama Fault System. Journal of Structural Geology133, p.103993.

Zhou, G.L., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Meredith, P.G., Mitchell, T.M., Stanton-Yonge Sesnic, A. and Yuan, Y., 2020. A three-dimensional numerical meso-approach to modeling time-independent deformation and fracturing of brittle rocks. Computers and Geotechnics117, p.103274.

Pearce, R.K., Sánchez de la Muela, A., Moorkamp, M., Hammond, J.O., Mitchell, T.M., Cembrano, J., Araya Vargas, J., Meredith, P.G., Iturrieta, P., PérezEstay N., Stanton-Yonge A. and Marshall, N.R., 2020. Reactivation of fault systems by compartmentalized hydrothermal fluids in the Southern Andes revealed by magnetotelluric and seismic data. Tectonics, 39(12), p.e2019TC005997.


Sielfeld, G., Ruz, J., Brogi, A., Cembrano, J., Stanton-Yonge, A., Pérez-Flores, P. and Iturrieta, P., 2019. Oblique-slip tectonics in an active volcanic chain: a case study from the Southern Andes. Tectonophysics770, p.228221.


Iturrieta, P.C., Hurtado, D.E., Cembrano, J. and Stanton-Yonge, A., 2017. States of stress and slip partitioning in a continental scale strike-slip duplex: Tectonic and magmatic implications by means of finite element modeling. Earth and Planetary science letters473, pp.71-82.


StantonYonge, A., Griffith, W.A., Cembrano, J., St. Julien, R. and Iturrieta, P., 2016. Tectonic role of marginparallel and margintransverse faults during oblique subduction in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes: Insights from Boundary Element Modeling. Tectonics35(9), pp.1990-2013.