Scientist Spotlight: Ines Rivero Delgado
20 April 2022
Hi! I’m Inés, I’m Spanish and I'm currently in my 2nd Year studying Earth Sciences at UCL.
To be honest, I didn’t know what Earth Sciences were until way into Term 1 of Year 1. One of the things that I usually say about the degree is that I did not choose it. I didn't know it even existed. However, because the Biology degree was full, UCL offered me a place in this department. What an amazing surprise!
I think I've liked geology and biology from a young age (Image one in the slideshow below). One of my favourite activities was going to any place in the countryside and trying to decode the geological history. In my region there are two outliers or "witness hills" (Image 2) which seemed amazing to me that it remained there after millions of years of erosion. And now, I'm starting to understand.
This passion for field work was greatly developed during the departments trips to Cornwall/Dorset, Isle of Wight and Bradgate Park (Images 3, 4). One of the paths that I want to focus my career towards. Earth Sciences have shown me palaeontology as well, an exhilarating field that is usually underestimated (Image 4). Although I have seen ammonites before, the passion of professors in this department makes them the most interesting creatures that you can study. Ironically, I am studying in one of the largest cities of the world, surrounded by multiple skyscrapers and pavement. It is definitely a big change. One of the most striking characteristics of London is that it is never truly silent, you can be in the middle of Regent's park and still hear the cars passing by. However, the opportunities are indefinite with free entry into museums and millions of books in multiple libraries around the city.
I do not have my next steps very clear, but thanks to the WiES network I feel more confident about achieving them, whatever they are. For now, I am studying abroad next year, to explore this wide planet from a different perspective. And I know that when I come back I'll can still count on this caring net.