Perspectives on Environmental Change Award.
7 September 2016
Congratulations to Alexander Steele (UCL Hazard Centre) for receiving the Critical Choice Award for his talk at the London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership(DTP) Conference “Perspectives on Environmental Change” on 01-02 September 2016. Alexander presented work from his PhD on modelling unrest at the Campi Flegrei caldera in Southern Italy. His supervisors are Christopher Kilburn (UCL Hazard Centre, Earth Sciences) and Agust Gudmundsson (RHUL Earth Sciences).
Alexander is developing novel numerical models to investigate the evolution of stress fields around shallow magma bodies as they grow beneath large calderas. The results will be used to determine critical levels of caldera unrest and preferred eruption locations. Models will be tested against data from the Campi Flegrei caldera in Southern Italy but results will aim to be applicable more generally to large calderas worldwide.
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