Improved geological models aiding hydrocarbon reservoir development and management.
The decision-making process in the hydrocarbon business is tied to the reliability of any geological models used to underpin reservoir flow-simulation and economic models. Research on the Ainsa sedimentary basin in the Spanish Pyrenees by Prof Kevin Pickering has allowed industry to explore for hydrocarbons more effectively in deep-marine sandstone reservoirs in hydrocarbon provinces around the world.

An integrated outcrop-subsurface study of the deep-marine sandy submarine-fan deposits in the Ainsa basin was funded by a consortium of oil (NPD), including Conoco, BP, ExxonMobil, NorskeHydro-Statoil, TotalFinaElf and Philips Petroleum.
References to the research:
- Pickering, K.T. & Cantalejo, B. 2015. Deep-marine environments of the Middle Eocene Upper Hecho Group, Spanish Pyrenees: Introduction. Earth-Science Reviews, 144, 1–9.
- Scotchman, J.I., Bown, P., Pickering, K.T., BouDagher-Fadel, M., Bayliss, N.J. & Robinson, S.A. 2015. A new age model for the middle Eocene deep-marine Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Earth-Science Reviews, 144, 10–22. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.11.006.
- Bayliss, N.J. & Pickering, K.T. 2015. Transition from deep-marine lower-slope erosional channels to proximal basin-floor stacked channel-levée-overbank deposits, and syn-sedimentary growth structures, Middle Eocene Banastón System, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Earth-Science Reviews, 144, 23–46. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.11.015.
- Bayliss, N.J. & Pickering, K.T. 2015. Deep-marine structurally confined channelised sandy fans: middle Eocene Morillo System, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Earth-Science Reviews, 144, 47–81. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.11.014
- Pickering, K.T., Corregidor, J. & Clark, J.D. 2015. Architecture and stacking patterns of lower-slope and proximal basin-floor channelised submarine fans, Middle Eocene Ainsa System, Spanish Pyrenees: an integrated outcrop - subsurface study. Earth-Science Reviews, 144, 82–106. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.11.017.
- Scotchman, J.I., Pickering, K.T., Sutcliffe, C., Dakin, N. & Armstrong, E. 2015. Milankovitch cyclicity within the middle Eocene deep-marine Guaso System, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Earth-Science Reviews, 144, 107–122. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.01.007.
- Cantalejo, B. & Pickering, K.T. 2015. Orbital forcing as principal driver for fine-grained deep-marine siliciclastic sediments, Middle-Eocene Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 421, 24–47.
- Channel-like features created by erosive submarine debris flows: Field evidence from the Middle Eocene Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees, N. Dakin, K. T. Pickering, D. Mohrig and N. J. Bayliss, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 41, 62-71 (2013) doi:10/n4z
- Dakin, N., Pickering, K.T., Mohrig, D. & Bayliss, N.J. 2012. Channel-like features created by erosive submarine debris flows: Field evidence from the Middle Eocene Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 41, 62-71.
- Deconvolving tectono-climatic signals in deep-marine siliciclastics, Eocene Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees: Seesaw tectonics versus eustasy, K. T. Pickering and N. J. Bayliss, Geology, 37, 203-206 (2009) doi:10/d6zqfs
- End-signature of deep-marine basin-fill, as a structurally confined low-gradient clastic system: the Middle Eocene Guaso system, South-central Spanish Pyrenees, C. Sutcliffe and K. T. Pickering, Sedimentology, 56, 1670-1689 (2009) doi:10/ds2vsc
- Trace fossils as diagnostic indicators of deep-marine environments, Middle Eocene Ainsa-Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees, T. G. Heard and K. T. Pickering, Sedimentology, 55, 809-844 (2008) doi:10/fn7rhc
- Milankovitch forcing of bioturbation intensity in deep-marine thin-bedded siliciclastic turbidites, T. G. Heard, K. T. Pickering and S. A. Robinson, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 272, 130-138 (2008) doi:10/cf5wtp
- Heard, T. & Pickering, K.T. 2008. Trace fossils as diagnostic indicators of deep-marine environments, Middle Eocene Ainsa - Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Sedimentology, 55, 809–844.
- Das Gupta, K. & Pickering, K.T. 2008. Petrography and temporal changes in petrofacies of deep-marine Ainsa-Jaca basin sandstone systems, Early and Middle Eocene, Spanish Pyrenees. Sedimentology, 55, 1083–1114.
- Mass-transport complexes (MTCs) and tectonic control on confined basin-floor submarine fans, Middle Eocene, south Spanish Pyrenees, K. T. Pickering and J. Corregidor, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 75, 761-783 (2005) doi:10/bx9rdt
- Pickering, K.T. 2005. Mid Eocene deep-marine clastic systems, Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees: Importance of mass transport complexes (MTCs) and synsedimentary tectonics. In: Doré, A.G. & Vining, B.A. (eds), Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives - Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference, DVD Core Display with Posters H5. Plates A - H. London: The Geological Society, London.
- Pickering, K.T. and Corregidor, J. 2000. 3D Reservoir Scale Study of Eocene Confined Submarine Fans, South Central Spanish Pyrenees. In: Weimer, P., Slatt R.M., Coleman, J., Rosen, N.C., Nelson, H., Bouma, A.H., Styzen, M.J., & Lawrence, D.T. Deep Water Reservoirs of the World, 776–781. Gulf Coast Section, Society of Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists, Foundation 20th Annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas. CD-Rom format only.