
UCL Earth Sciences


SeismoLab Publications

The repository of its research publications, including access to journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, digital web resources and more.


López-Comino, J. A., D. Stich, J. Morales, and A. M. G. Ferreira (2016), Resolution of rupture directivity in weak events: 1-D versus 2-D source parameterizations for the 2011, Mw 4.6 and 5.2 Lorca earthquakes, Spain, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JB013227.

Domingues, A., Silveira, G., Ferreira, A.M.G., Chang, S.-.J., Custódio, S., Fonseca, J.F.B.D. (2016). Ambient noise tomography of the East African Rift in Mozambique. Geophysical Journal International, 204 (3), 1565-1578. doi:10.1093/gji/ggv538

Berbellini, A., Morelli, A., Ferreira, A.M.G. (2016). Ellipticity of Rayleigh waves in basin and hard-rock sites in Northern Italy. Geophysical Journal International, 206 (1), 395-407. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw159

Parisi, L., Ferreira, A.M.G. (2016). Empirical assessment of the validity limits of the surface wave full ray theory using realistic 3-D Earth models. Geophysical Journal International, 205 (1), 146-159. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw005

Chang, S.-.J., Ferreira, A.M.G., Faccenda, M. (2016). Upper- and mid-mantle interaction between the Samoan plume and the Tonga–Kermadec slabs. Nature Communications, 7 10799. doi:10.1038/ncomms10799


Healy, D., T. G. Blenkinsop, N. E. Timms, P. G. Meredith, T. M. Mitchell, and M. L. Cooke (2015), Polymodal faulting: Time for a new angle on shear failure, Journal of Structural Geology, 80, 57-71, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2015.08.013.

Toy, V. G., T. M. Mitchell, A. Druiventak, and R. Wirth (2015), Crystallographic preferred orientations may develop in nanocrystalline materials on fault planes due to surface energy interactions, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

Zurn, W., Ferreira, A.M.G, Widmer-Schnidrig, R., Lentas, K., Rivera, L., Clevede, E. (2015), High quality lowest-frequency normal mode strain observations at the Black Forest Observatory (SW-Germany) and comparison with horizontal broadband-seismometer data and synthetics, Geophys. J. Int. (in press)

Heap, M. J., N. Brantut, P. Baud and P. G. Meredith (2015), Time-dependent compaction band formation in sandstone, J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JB012022.

Platt, J., D., N. Brantut and J. R. Rice, Strain localization driven by thermal decomposition during seismic shear (2015), J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JB011493.

N. Brantut and R. C. Viesca (2015), Earthquake nucleation in intact or healed rocks, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JB011518.

Mitchell, T. M., S. A. F. Smith, M. H. Anders, G. Di Toro, S. Nielsen, A. Cavallo, and A. D. Beard (2015), Catastrophic emplacement of giant landslides aided by thermal decomposition: Heart Mountain, Wyoming, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 411(0), 199-207,

Proctor, B. P., T. M. Mitchell, G. Hirth, D. Goldsby, F. Zorzi, J. D. Platt, and G. Di Toro (2014), Dynamic weakening of serpentinite gouges and bare-surfaces at seismic slip rates, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2014JB011057, doi:10.1002/2014JB011057 PDF here.

López-Comino, J.Á., Stich, D., Ferreira, A.M.G., Morales, J. (2015). Extended fault inversion with random slipmaps: a resolution test for the 2012 M w 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 202 (3), 1505-1521. doi:10.1093/gji/ggv235

Chang, S.-.J., Ferreira, A.M.G., Ritsema, J., van Heijst, H.J., Woodhouse, J.H. (2015). Joint inversion for global isotropic and radially anisotropic mantle structure including crustal thickness perturbations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120 (6), 4278-4300. doi:10.1002/2014JB011824 (cover page)

Nader, M.F., Igel, H., Ferreira, A.M.G., Al-Attar, D., Wassermann, J., Schreiber, K.U. (2015). Normal mode coupling observations with a rotation sensor. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 201 (3), 1482-1490. doi:10.1093/gji/ggv082

Parisi, L., Ferreira, A.M.G., Capdeville, Y. (2015). Validity domain of the Born approximation for seismic waveform modelling in realistic 3-D Earth structure. Geophysical Journal International, 200 (2), 908-914. doi:10.1093/gji/ggu446


Brzesowsky, R., S. Hangx, N. Brantut and C. J. Spiers (in press), Compaction creep of sands due to time-dependent grain failure: effects of chemical environment, applied stress and grain size, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JB011277.

Brantut N., M. J. Heap, P. Baud and P. G. Meredith (2014), Mechanisms of time-dependent deformation in porous limestone, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JB011186.

Brantut N., M. J. Heap, P. Baud and P. G. Meredith (2014), Rate- and strain-dependent brittle deformation of rocks, J. Geophys. Res., 119, p. 1818–1836, doi:10.1002/2013JB010448.

Lentas, K., Ferreira, A.M.G., Clevede, E. and Roch, J. (2014), Source models of great earthquakes from ultra low-frequency normal mode data, Phys. Earth Plan. Int., 233, 41-67, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2014.05.011.

Arancibia, G., Fujita, K., Hoshino, K., Mitchell, T.M., Cembrano, J.; Gomila, R.; Morata, D., Faulkner, D.R. & Rempe, M. (in press). Hydrothermal alteration in an exhumed crustal fault zone: geochemical mobility in the Caleta Coloso Fault, Atacama Fault System, Northern Chile. Tectonophysics.

Weston, J., Ferreira, A.M.G. and Funning, G. J. (2014). Joint earthquake source inversions using seismo-geodesy and 3-D Earth models, Geophys. J. Int., 198(2), 671-696, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu110.

Chang, S.-J., Ferreira, A.M.G., Ritsema, J., van Heijst, H. J. and Woodhouse, J. H., (2014). Global Radially Anisotropic Mantle Structure from Multiple Datasets: A Review, Current Challenges and Outlook, Tectonophysics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.033, 2014.


Lentas, K., Ferreira, A.M.G. and Vallee, M., Assessment of SCARDEC source parameters of global large subduction earthquakes, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt364, 2013.

Yu, W.-c., T.-R. A. Song and P. G. Silver (2013). "Temporal Velocity Changes in the Crust Associated with the Great Sumatra Earthquakes." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103(5): 2797-2809.

Yu, W.-c., T.-R. A. Song and P. G. Silver (2013). "Repeating aftershocks of the great 2004 Sumatra and 2005 Nias earthquakes." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 67-68: 153-170.

Song, T.-R. A. and H. Kawakatsu (2013). "Subduction of oceanic asthenosphere: A critical appraisal in central Alaska." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 367: 82-94.

Smith, S. A. F., A. Bistacchi, T. M. Mitchell, S. Mittempergher and G. Di Toro (2013). "The structure of an exhumed intraplate seismogenic fault in crystalline basement." Tectonophysics 599: 29-44.

Rempe, M., T. Mitchell, J. Renner, S. Nippress, Y. Ben-Zion and T. Rockwell (2013). "Damage and seismic velocity structure of pulverized rocks near the San Andreas Fault." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 118(6): 2813-2831.

Li, H., H. Wang, Z. Xu, J. Si, J. Pei, T. Li, Y. Huang, S.-R. Song, L.-W. Kuo, Z. Sun, M.-L. Chevalier and D. Liu (2013). "Characteristics of the fault-related rocks, fault zones and the principal slip zone in the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling Project Hole-1 (WFSD-1)." Tectonophysics 584: 23-42.

Brantut, N., M. J. Heap, P. G. Meredith and P. Baud (2013). "Time-dependent cracking and brittle creep in crustal rocks: A review." Journal of Structural Geology 52: 17-43.


Weston, J., A. M. G. Ferreira and G. J. Funning (2012). "Systematic comparisons of earthquake source models determined using InSAR and seismic data." Tectonophysics 532: 61-81.

Song, T.-R. A. and Y. Kim (2012). "Localized seismic anisotropy associated with long-term slow-slip events beneath southern Mexico." Geophysical Research Letters 39.

Song, T.-R. A. and Y. Kim (2012). "Anisotropic uppermost mantle in young subducted slab underplating Central Mexico." Nature Geoscience 5(1): 55-59.

Song, T.-R. A. and H. Kawakatsu (2012). "Subduction of oceanic asthenosphere: Evidence from sub-slab seismic anisotropy." Geophysical Research Letters 39.

Nader, M. F., H. Igel, A. M. G. Ferreira, D. Kurrle, J. Wassermann and K. U. Schreiber (2012). "Toroidal free oscillations of the Earth observed by a ring laser system: a comparative study." Journal of Seismology 16(4): 745-755.

Mitchell, T. M. and D. R. Faulkner (2012). "Towards quantifying the matrix permeability of fault damage zones in low porosity rocks." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 339: 24-31.

Lavallee, Y., T. M. Mitchell, M. J. Heap, J. Vasseur, K.-U. Hess, T. Hirose and D. B. Dingwell (2012). "Experimental generation of volcanic pseudotachylytes: Constraining rheology." Journal of Structural Geology 38: 222-233.

Hsu, Y.-J., S.-B. Yu, T.-R. A. Song and T. Bacolcol (2012). "Plate coupling along the Manila subduction zone between Taiwan and northern Luzon." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 51: 98-108.

Griffith, W. A., T. M. Mitchell, J. Renner and G. Di Toro (2012). "Coseismic damage and softening of fault rocks at seismogenic depths." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 353: 219-230.

Di Toro, G., S. Mittempergher, F. Ferri, T. M. Mitchell and G. Pennacchioni (2012). "The contribution of structural geology, experimental rock deformation and numerical modelling to an improved understanding of the seismic cycle Preface to the Special Volume "Physico-chemical processes in seismic faults"." Journal of Structural Geology 38: 3-10.

David, E. C., N. Brantut, A. Schubnel and R. W. Zimmerman (2012). "Sliding crack model for nonlinearity and hysteresis in the uniaxial stress-strain curve of rock." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 52: 9-17.

Brantut, N. and J. Sulem (2012). "Strain Localization and Slip Instability in a Strain-Rate Hardening, Chemically Weakening Material." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme 79(3).

Brantut, N., A. Schubnel, E. C. David, E. Heripre, Y. Gueguen and A. Dimanov (2012). "Dehydration-induced damage and deformation in gypsum and implications for subduction zone processes." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 117.

Brantut, N., P. Baud, M. J. Heap and P. G. Meredith (2012). "Micromechanics of brittle creep in rocks." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 117.


Weston, J., A. M. G. Ferreira and G. J. Funning (2011). "Global compilation of interferometric synthetic aperture radar earthquake source models: 1. Comparisons with seismic catalogs." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 116.

Vallee, M., J. Charlety, A. M. G. Ferreira, B. Delouis and J. Vergoz (2011). "SCARDEC: a new technique for the rapid determination of seismic moment magnitude, focal mechanism and source time functions for large earthquakes using body-wave deconvolution." Geophysical Journal International 184(1): 338-358.

Mitchell, T. M., Y. Ben-Zion and T. Shimamoto (2011). "Pulverized fault rocks and damage asymmetry along the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, Japan." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308(3-4): 284-297.

Igel, H., M.-F. Nader, D. Kurrle, A. M. G. Ferreira, J. Wassermann and K. U. Schreiber (2011). "Observations of Earth's toroidal free oscillations with a rotation sensor: The 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake." Geophysical Research Letters 38.

Ferreira, A. M. G., J. Weston and G. J. Funning (2011). "Global compilation of interferometric synthetic aperture radar earthquake source models: 2. Effects of 3-D Earth structure." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 116.

Faulkner, D. R., T. M. Mitchell, E. Jensen and J. Cembrano (2011). "Scaling of fault damage zones with displacement and the implications for fault growth processes." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 116.

Faulkner, D. R., T. M. Mitchell, J. Behnsen, T. Hirose and T. Shimamoto (2011). "Stuck in the mud? Earthquake nucleation and propagation through accretionary forearcs." Geophysical Research Letters 38.

De Paola, N., T. Hirose, T. Mitchell, G. Di Toro, C. Viti and T. Shimamoto (2011). "Fault lubrication and earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks." Geology 39(1): 35-38.

Brantut, N., J. Sulem and A. Schubnel (2011). "Effect of dehydration reactions on earthquake nucleation: Stable sliding, slow transients, and unstable slip." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 116.

Brantut, N., A. Schubnel and Y. Gueguen (2011). "Damage and rupture dynamics at the brittle-ductile transition: The case of gypsum." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 116.

Brantut, N. and J. R. Rice (2011). "How pore fluid pressurization influences crack tip processes during dynamic rupture." Geophysical Research Letters 38.

Brantut, N., R. Han, T. Shimamoto, N. Findling and A. Schubnel (2011). "Fast slip with inhibited temperature rise due to mineral dehydration: Evidence from experiments on gypsum." Geology 39(1): 59-62.


Tan, Y., A. Song, S. Wei and D. Helmberger (2010). "Surface Wave Path Corrections and Source Inversions in Southern California." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100(6): 2891-2904.

Kurrle, D., H. Igel, A. M. G. Ferreira, J. Wassermann and U. Schreiber (2010). "Can we estimate local Love wave dispersion properties from collocated amplitude measurements of translations and rotations?" Geophysical Research Letters 37.

Ferreira, A. M. G., J. H. Woodhouse, K. Visser and J. Trampert (2010). "On the robustness of global radially anisotropic surface wave tomography." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 115.

Brantut, N., A. Schubnel, J. Corvisier and J. Sarout (2010). "Thermochemical pressurization of faults during coseismic slip." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 115.


Wen, Y.-Y., K.-F. Ma, T.-R. A. Song and W. D. Mooney (2009). "Validation of the rupture properties of the 2001 Kunlun, China (M-s=8.1), earthquake from seismological and geological observations." Geophysical Journal International 177(2): 555-570.

Song, T.-R. A., D. V. Helmberger, M. R. Brudzinski, R. W. Clayton, P. Davis, X. Perez-Campos and S. K. Singh (2009). "Subducting Slab Ultra-Slow Velocity Layer Coincident with Silent Earthquakes in Southern Mexico." Science 324(5926): 502-506.

Mitchell, T. M. and D. R. Faulkner (2009). "The nature and origin of off-fault damage surrounding strike-slip fault zones with a wide range of displacements: A field study from the Atacama fault system, northern Chile." Journal of Structural Geology 31(8): 802-816.

Ferreira, A. M. G. and H. Igel (2009). "Rotational Motions of Seismic Surface Waves in a Laterally Heterogeneous Earth." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99(2B): 1429-1436.


Song, T.-R. A., D. V. Helmberger and S. B. Shirey (2008). "Slab melting beneath Central Mexico: A seismological perspective." Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 72(12): A883-A883.

Mitchell, T. M. and D. R. Faulkner (2008). "Experimental measurements of permeability evolution during triaxial compression of initially intact crystalline rocks and implications for fluid flow in fault zones." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 113(B11).

Faulkner, D. R., T. M. Mitchell, E. H. Rutter and J. Cembrano (2008). On the structure and mechanical properties of large strike-slip faults. Internal Structure of Fault Zones: Implications for Mechanical and Fluid-Flow Properties. C. A. J. Wibberley, W. Kurz, J. Imber, R. E. Holdsworth and C. Collettini. 299: 139-150.

Brantut, N., A. Schubnel, J. N. Rouzaud, F. Brunet and T. Shimamoto (2008). "High-velocity frictional properties of a clay-bearing fault gouge and implications for earthquake mechanics." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 113(B10).


Song, T.-R. A. and D. V. Helmberger (2007). "Validating tomographic model with broad-band waveform modelling: an example from the LA RISTRA transect in the southwestern United States." Geophysical Journal International 171(1): 244-258.

Song, T.-R. A. and D. V. Helmberger (2007). "P and S waveform modeling of continental sub-lithospheric detachment at the eastern edge of the Rio Grande Rift." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 112(B7).

Song, T.-R. A. and D. V. Helmberger (2007). "A depleted, destabilized continental lithosphere near the Rio Grande rift." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 262(1-2): 175-184.

Konca, A. O., V. Hjorleifsdottir, T.-R. A. Song, J.-P. Avouac, D. V. Helmberger, C. Ji, K. Sieh, R. Briggs and A. Meltzner (2007). "Rupture kinematics of the 2005 M-w 8.6 Nias-Simeulue earthquake from the joint inversion of seismic and geodetic data." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97(1): S307-S322.

Ferreira, A. M. G. and J. H. Woodhouse (2007). "Source, path and receiver effects on seismic surface waves." Geophysical Journal International 168(1): 109-132.

Ferreira, A. M. G. and J. H. Woodhouse (2007). "Observations of long period Rayleigh wave ellipticity." Geophysical Journal International 169(1): 161-169.

Chlieh, M., J.-P. Avouac, V. Hjorleifsdottir, T.-R. A. Song, C. Ji, K. Sieh, A. Sladen, H. Hebert, L. Prawirodirdjo, Y. Bock and J. Galetzka (2007). "Coseismic slip and afterslip of the great M-w 9.15 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 2004." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97(1): S152-S173.


Sun, D. Y., T. R. A. Song and D. Helmberger (2006). "Complexity of D '' in the presence of slab-debris and phase changes." Geophysical Research Letters 33(12).

Song, T.-R. A. and D. V. Helmberger (2006). Low Velocity Zone Atop the Transition Zone in the Western US From S Waveform Triplication. Earths Deep Water Cycle. S. D. Jacobsen and S. VanderLee. 168: 195-213.

Ferreira, A. M. G. and J. H. Woodhouse (2006). "Long-period seismic source inversions using global tomographic models." Geophysical Journal International 166(3): 1178-1192.

Ferreira, A. M. G., N. F. d'Oreye, J. H. Woodhouse and W. Zuern (2006). "Comparison of fluid tiltmeter data with long-period seismograms: Surface waves and Earth's free oscillations." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 111(B11).

Faulkner, D. R., T. M. Mitchell, D. Healy and M. J. Heap (2006). "Slip on 'weak' faults by the rotation of regional stress in the fracture damage zone." Nature 444(7121): 922-925.


Park, J., T. R. A. Song, J. Tromp, E. Okal, S. Stein, G. Roult, E. Clevede, G. Laske, H. Kanamori, P. Davis, J. Berger, C. Braitenberg, M. Van Camp, X. Lei, H. P. Sun,
H. Z. Xu and S. Rosat (2005). "Earth's free oscillations excited by the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake." Science 308(5725): 1139-1144.


Song, T. R. A., D. V. Helmberger and S. P. Grand (2004). "Low-velocity zone atop the 410-km seismic discontinuity in the northwestern United States." Nature 427(6974): 530-533.

Ma, K. F. and T. R. A. Song (2004). "Thermo-mechanical structure beneath the young orogenic belt of Taiwan." Tectonophysics 388(1-4): 21-31.


Song, T. R. A. and M. Simons (2003). "Large trench-parallel gravity variations predict seismogenic behavior in subduction zones." Science 301(5633): 630-633.

Ma, K. F., E. E. Brodsky, J. Mori, C. Ji, T. R. A. Song and H. Kanamori (2003). "Evidence for fault lubrication during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw7.6)." Geophysical Research Letters 30(5).

Fonseca, J., B. V. E. Faria, N. P. Lima, S. I. N. Heleno, C. Lazaro, N. F. d'Oreye, A. M. G. Ferreira, I. J. M. Barros, P. Santos, Z. Bandomo, S. J. Day, J. P. Osorio, M. Baio and J. L. G. Matos (2003). "Multiparameter monitoring of Fogo Island, Cape Verde, for volcanic risk mitigation." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 125(1-2): 39-56.


Ji, C., D. V. Helmberger, T. R. A. Song, K. F. Ma and D. J. Wald (2001). "Slip distribution and tectonic implication of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake." Geophysical Research Letters 28(23): 4379-4382.


Stutzmann, E., L. Vinnik, A. Ferreira and S. Singh (2000). "Constraint on the S-wave velocity at the base of the mantle." Geophysical Research Letters 27(11): 1571-1574.

Ma, K. F., T. R. A. Song, S. J. Lee and H. I. Wu (2000). "Spatial slip distribution of the September 20, 1999, Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (M(W)7.6) - Inverted from teleseismic data." Geophysical Research Letters 27(20): 3417-3420.