
UCL Earth Sciences


Ethnic Diversity Network

One of our key priorities is to ensure that students and staff of all races and ethnicities feel welcome and supported in our department.

We are also committed to increasing diversity within our Department where already we are highly international, with our students and staff coming from many different countries, cultures and backgrounds.

First Point of Contact:

World Map

Decolonisation of the curriculum

A zine exploring the role of colonial and imperial legacy upon our curriculum. Authors:  Shannon James & Rose Meadows.  It was made possible by the ‘Decolonisation of the Curriculum: Digging into its Colonial Roots’ project funded by UCL’s Take Bold Action for Inclusion Fund.

Rock Layers

Black History Month 2023 event.

In collaboration with AstroNoir we will host this event  on the 12th  October 2023, 1-2pm, UCL Kathleen Lonsdale Building room 126/online

Cassius Morrison

Someone like me

Reflections by UCL Earth Sciences Network for Ethnic Diversity on two Black History Month 2022 events. 

Spotlights on Ben Otoo

Spotlights on Ben Otoo

We delve into the research of Ben Otoo, PhD student at the University of Chicago who participated in our Black History Month event. We’ve followed up with him to learn a bit more about his research.

UCL was one of only eight institutions to receive a Race Equality Charter Mark Bronze Award for  its work in Higher Education. Yet UCL has identified a significant attainment gap between home BME students obtaining a "good" final degree result when compared to home white students. Information on the UCL Earth Sciences attainment gap is being sought, and an action plan to eliminate the gap will be applied.  BME representatives for students and staff sit on our EDI committee.

Key UCL Contacts and Sources of Information

  • Race Equality & Race Equality Steering Group
  • Both Earth Sciences and UCL have a zero-tolerance policy with regard to Racial and Xenophobic Harassment, and key contacts can be found in the hyperlink. Even if you are not directly affected, but have seen someone else being harassed, do not let it go unchallenged, but become an Active Bystander
  • RaceMatters@UCL is for networking, peer support, sharing ideas and articles of interest, forging scholarly connections and collaborations, organising formal and social events, and positively influencing policy and practice on ‘race’ equality at UCL


Key Resources on under-representation in Earth Sciences:

  • Dowey, N., Barclay, J., Fernando, B. et al. A UK perspective on tackling the geoscience racial diversity crisis in the Global North. Nat. Geosci. 14, 256–259 (2021). DOI
  • Dutt, K. Race and racism in the geosciences. Nat. Geosci. 13, 2–3 (2020). DOI