Information and guidance on disabilities and accessibility: UCL is an inclusive learning environment, and we aim to enable all students to study as independently as possible during their time here.
Resources within UCL
The key information for disability equality:
- access to work
- accessibility and disability IT support
- access to UCL buildings
- specific learning difficulties
askUCL: Support and wellbeing
Reach out within the department:
Sudeshna Basu ( will be happy to help you if you have any further queries. Also, as a Mental Health First Aider, she will be happy to be the point of contact if you think you need any mental health support.
UCL Disability Support for Students in Earth Sciences:
Earth Sciences is an inclusive learning environment and we welcome all our students. The departmental disability support is aligned to that of UCL. Some guidance/suggestions are provided below:
- Complete Applicant Support Questionnaire and register with Student Support and Wellbeing. If you have any disability or have a long-term health condition, please complete the Applicant Support Questionnaire, which is available on Portico under the Student Disability Services tab. Also, you're strongly encouraged to declare this and register with Student Support and Wellbeing, so we can help put the right support in place. Details
The support provided covers different aspects including but not limited to, funding for disabled student support, assistive technology, resources on study skills and exam adjustments to name a few.
- Discuss SORA (The Summary of Reasonable Adjustments). The undergraduate Tutor is your 1st point of contact for all SoRA related matters. Support can be available through SORA, a document created by the student concerned, in consultation with one of the UCL advisors, to put in place appropriate, reasonable adjustments to enable access to courses and facilities in UCL. This will be to ensure that the student experiences no barrier to learning. The Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SORA) | Reasonable Adjustments
- Contact the Digital Accessibility Technologist. IT workroom that provides improved access for students with disabilities. Students must book an induction via Student Support and Wellbeing before access to the Digital Accessibility Hub will be granted.)
- Support via UCL Library Services: Support Disable users | Library Accessibility Team
- Check out our accessibility guide: Accessible UCL
For staff members supporting students with disability:
Accessibility guidance notes for Lecturers to make lectures as accessible and inclusive as possible.
Staff disability support:
This includes but not limited to, funding provision towards adjustments such as training, additional travel costs, support or equipment that would be above and beyond what is reasonable for an employer to supply. Here are some useful links for further details:
ACT: Agreement of Consistent Treatment, a tool to record the reasonable adjustments and flexible working arrangements agreed between an employee and their line manager. Some employees may feel anxious raising requests for reasonable adjustments with their managers – it is hoped the ACT will ease that anxiety as it is evidence of UCL’s commitment to equality and inclusion. Likewise some managers may be anxious discussing issues that they feel are personal to the employee. The ACT provides a template to facilitate such discussions.
UCL Student Union (UCLU)
The Disabled Students’ Officer is the UCLU contact person for disabled students. .Apart from representing the experiences of disabled students on campus the Disabled Students’ Officer holds monthly meetings in which you can talk about your experiences. Information about their events.