
UCL Early Medieval Atlas


Islamic Archaeology Day

27 February 2016, 10:30 am–6:00 pm

Event Information

Open to



Room 612, UCL Institute of Archaeology

UCL Institute of Archaeology, Room 612

February 27th 2016


10:30 Registration and Coffee

11:00 Welcome & Introduction

Corisande Fenwick (UCL) and Hugh Kennedy (SOAS)

11:10 al-Jarr, an Early Islamic Red Sea port site in Saudi Arabia

Mahmoud Hawari (British Museum)

11:35  Reassessing the houses of Fustat: a social interpretation of legacy data

Matthew Harrison (University of Southampton)

12:00 Flowing into the city: approaches to water management in the early Islamic

city of Sultan Kala, Turkmenistan

Tim Williams (UCL)

12:25 Thinking regionally about medieval cities on the Kura plain, Azerbaijan

Dan Lawrence (Durham University) & Paul Wordsworth (University of Oxford)

1:00    Lunch (provided)

2:00    Harlaa & Harar. Islamic Archaeology in Eastern Ethiopia

Timothy Insoll (University of Manchester)

2:25    Production and procurement of decorated wall tile for Kubad Abad, a Seljuq

royal palace by Lake Beysehir, Turkey

Ian Freestone (UCL)

2:50    Exploring Muslim and Christian diets in Medieval Valencia using stable

isotope analysis

Michelle Alexander (University of York)

3:30    Tea break

3:45    Further thoughts on the 'Samarra Horizon' in the Light of Recent Studies of

Herzfeld's Finds in Berlin and the London Museums

Rosalind Wade Haddon (Independent Scholar)

4:10    The Ottoman Archaeology of Bulgaria

Andrew Petersen (University of Wales Trinity St David)

4:35    Ibn Khaldun Revisited: Nomads and Sedentary in a Crowded Desert

Jose Carvajal Lopez (UCL-Qatar)

5:00    Final discussion

5:30    Reception

6:45    Dinner (at own expense) at Ristorante Olivelli, 35 Store Street*

*Group set menu £20. All workshop participants welcome.

Everyone is welcome. The event is free and lunch & refreshments will be provided.


Please register by sending an email to Corisande Fenwick (c.fenwick@ucl.ac.uk) with your name, any institutional affiliation and if you would like to attend the dinner.