We work closely with patients and members of the public to ensure our research is patient focused and adds value.
Why get involved in our research as a patient or member of the public?
- Research shapes the way healthcare is provided
- Your involvement will help ensure that our research is relevant, reliable and deliverable
- You can improve the experience for patients taking part in research
What would my role be?
- Work with researchers to design their projects
- Help develop documents designed for patients such as leaflets and questionnaires
- Help us to interpret study findings, write them up and communicate them to various audiences
- Join a patient panel or a study steering group
If you would like to be involved, please contact evident@ucl.ac.uk.
The evidENT team also keeps contact details for those who are interested in taking part in one of our upcoming studies as a study participant. We use these contact details to send information about studies and other research developments that maybe of interest. If you would like your contact details added to this list, please contact us at evident@ucl.ac.uk.
Examples of our PPI work
In 2021, we created a series of videos to celebrate World Hearing Day. This included the following speakers:
- PPI Representative Molly Berry: https://twitter.com/evidENT_UCL/status/1367101518059614209
- PPI Lead Tiffany Wade: https://twitter.com/evidENT_UCL/status/1367116782792806404
- PPI Representative Terry Emery: https://twitter.com/evidENT_UCL/status/1367132122129960967
- PPI Representative Jean Straus: https://twitter.com/evidENT_UCL/status/1372183680211431427
- Consultant Otologist Joseph Manjaly: https://twitter.com/evidENT_UCL/status/1367084645557407745
- Audiologist Manuel Loureiro: https://twitter.com/evidENT_UCL/status/1371393202213822465
In 2021, we published an article exploring patient perspectives on research into hearing loss and tinnitus: https://www.healthawareness.co.uk/e-n-t/patients-at-the-cutting-edge-of-hearing-loss-developments/?utm_source=UCLHBRC-distro&utm_medium=client#