
UCL Ear Institute



Research at the UCL Ear Institute goes beyond lab based exploratory investigations into front line human applications. Scientists from the Ear Institute have revolutionised many aspects of modern ENT healthcare, hearing rehabilitation and diagnosis.

We have received over £7,000,000 of research funding from Charities and research councils, but we sometimes need volunteers to help with our research.

Ways to participate range from filling in a one off questionnaire to regular listening experiments carried out here at the UCL Ear Institute, DNA sample donations to hearing aid trials. For children we have listening games and training programmes.

Fields of research include:

  • Improving perception with cochlear implants and hearing aids
  • Complications of the Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Understanding normal hearing function and communication
  • Development of hearing throughout life

We do not have any in house trials running at present.

Affiliated projects currently ongoing

  • EVOTION - EU funded, Big Data gathering, consortium of 13 partners in 7 European Countries
  • RegenVox - currently suspended