The Brain Behaviour Group (BBG) Publications
Recent Publications
- Mazzeo et al. 2024. Dysphagia in primary progressive aphasia: Clinical predictors and neuroanatomical basis. Eur J Neurol. 31:e16370
- Volkmer A et al. 2024. COS-PPA: protocol to develop a core outcome set for primary progressive aphasia. BMJ Open. 14:e078714.
- Hardy CJD, et al. 2024. Symptom-based staging for logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia. Eur J Neurol. 31:e16304.
- van’t Hooft J, et al. 2024. Musical experience influences socio-emotional functioning in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia. Front. Neurol. 15.
- Hardy CJD, et al. 2023. Symptom‐led staging for semantic and non‐fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 20(1): 195-210.
- van Leeuwen JEP, et al. 2023. Pupil responses to colorfulness are selectively reduced in healthy older adults. Sci. Rep. 13, 22139.
- Mulroy E, et al. 2023. Binary reversals: a diagnostic sign in primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
- Volkmer A, et al. 2023. Development of fidelity of delivery and enactment measures for interventions in communication disorders. British Journal of Health Psychology. 29(1): 112-133.
- Jiang J, et al. 2023. Comprehension of acoustically degraded speech in Alzheimer’s disease and primary progressive aphasia. Brain. 146(10): 4065-4076.
- Belder CRS, et al. 2023. Primary progressive aphasia: six questions in search of an answer. Journal of Neurology. 271: 1028-1046.
- Volkmer A, et al. 2023. Results from a randomized controlled pilot study of the Better Conversations with Primary Progressive Aphasia (BCPPA) communication partner training program for people with PPA and their communication partner. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9(87).
- Chokesuwattanaskul A, et al. 2023. The architecture of abnormal reward behaviour in dementia: multimodal hedonic phenotypes and brain substrate. Brain Comm. 5(2).
- Barnes RJQ, Warren JD, 2023. Shouting from far away: three poems about living with speechlessness. Prac. Neurol. 23:176-177.
- Belder CRS, et al. 2023. The problematic syndrome of right temporal lobe atrophy: Unweaving the phenotypic rainbow. Front. Neurol. 13.
- van Leeuwen JEP, et al. 2023. Thinking eyes: visual thinking strategies and the social brain. Front. Psychol. 14.
- Loizidou M, et al. 2022. ‘Like going into a chocolate shop, blindfolded’: What do people with primary progressive aphasia want from speech and language therapy? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. 58(3): 737-755.
- Chokesuwattanaskul A, et al. 2022. Primary progressive aphasia: ReADing the clinical GRANularity. Prac. Neurol. 22:509-514.
- Requena-Komuro M-C, Jiang J, 2022. Remote versus face-to-face neuropsychological testing for dementia research: a comparative study in people with Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and healthy older individuals. BMJ Open. 12.
- Jiang J, et al. 2022. Phonemic restoration in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia: a preliminary investigation. Brain Comm. 4(3).
- Bolton L, et al. 2022. Music as a person centred intervention for dementia. BMJ. 376.
- van Leeuwen JEP, et al. 2022. More Than Meets the Eye: Art Engages the Social Brain. Front. Neurosci. 16.
- Sivasathiaseelan H, et al. 2021. Laughter as a paradigm of socio-emotional signal processing in dementia. Cortex. 142:186-203.
- Johnson JCS, et al. 2021. Suspecting dementia: canaries, chameleons and zebras. Prac. Neurol. 21:300-312.
- Jiang J, et al. 2021. Processing of Degraded Speech in Brain Disorders. Brain Sci. 11(3): 394.
- Ruksenaite J, et al. 2021. Primary Progressive Aphasia: Toward a Pathophysiological Synthesis. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 21.
- Johnson JCS, et al. 2021. Hearing and dementia: from ears to brain. Brain. 144(2): 391-401.
- Benhamou E, et al. 2021. Decoding expectation and surprise in dementia: the paradigm of music. Brain Comm. 3(3).
- Zimmerer VC, et al. 2020. Automated profiling of spontaneous speech in primary progressive aphasia and behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia: An approach based on usage-frequency. Cortex. 133:103-119.
- Benhamou E, et al. 2020. The neurophysiological architecture of semantic dementia: spectral dynamic causal modelling of a neurodegenerative proteinopathy. Scientific Reports. 10.
- Utoomprurkporn N, et al. 2020. “The Dichotic Digit Test” as an Index Indicator for Hearing Problem in Dementia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Acad Audiol. 31(9):646-655.
- Jimenez DA, et al. 2020. Altered phobic reactions in frontotemporal dementia: A behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis. Cortex. 130:100-110.
- Hardy CJD, et al. 2020. Impairments of auditory scene analysis in posterior cortical atrophy. Brain. 143(9): 2689-2695.
- Johnson JCS, et al. 2020. Impaired phonemic discrimination in logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 7(7): 1252-1257.
- Requena-Komuro M-C, et al. 2020. Altered Time Awareness in Dementia. Front. Neurol. 11.
- Benhamou E, Warren JD, 2020. Disorders of music processing in dementia. Music and the Aging Brain. 107-149.
Selection of our earlier papers:
- Hardy CJD, et al. 2019. Findings of impaired hearing in nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia. JAMA Neurology, 76(5):607-611.
- Marshall CR, et al. 2019. The functional neuroanatomy of emotion processing in frontotemporal dementias. Brain 142(9):2873-2887.
- Sani TP, et al. 2019. Sleep symptoms in syndromes of frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease: A proof-of-principle behavioural study. eNeurologicalSci 17: 100212.
- Slattery CF, et al. 2019. The functional neuroanatomy of musical memory in Alzheimer’s disease. Cortex 115: 357-370.
- Volkmer A, et al. 2019. Speech and language therapy for primary progressive aphasia across the UK: A survey of current practice. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 54(6): 914-926.
- Hardy CJD, et al. 2018. Retained capacity for perceptual learning of degraded speech in primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy 10(1): 70.
- Magdalinou NK, et al. 2018. Verbal adynamia in parkinsonian syndromes: behavioral correlates and neuroanatomical substrate. Neurocase 24(4): 204-212.
- Marshall CR, et al. 2018. Motor signatures of emotional reactivity in frontotemporal dementia. Scientific Reports 8: 1030.
- Marshall CR, et al. 2018. Cardiac responses to viewing facial emotion differentiate frontotemporal dementias. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 5(6): 687-696.
- Muhammed L, et al. 2018. Agnosia for bird calls. Neuropsychologia 113: 61-67.
- Volkmer A, et al. 2018. The 'Better Conversations with Primary Progressive Aphasia (BCPPA)' program for people with PPA (Primary Progressive Aphasia): protocol for a randomised controlled pilot study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4: 158.
- Golden HL, et al. 2017. Music perception in dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 55: 933-949.
- Hardy CJ, et al. 2017. Functional neuroanatomy of speech signal decoding in primary progressive aphasias. Neurobiology of Aging 56: 190-201.
- Hardy CJD, et al. 2017. Donepezil enhances understanding of degraded speech in Alzheimer’s disease. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 4(11): 835-840.
- Marshall CR, et al. 2017. Impaired interoceptive accuracy in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia. Frontiers in Neurology 8: 610.
- Cohen MH, et al. 2016. Processing emotion from abstract art in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuropsychologia 81: 245-254.
- Golden HL, et al. 2016. Functional neuroanatomy of spatial sound processing in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Ageing 39: 154-164.
- Jaisin K, et al. 2016. The speech-to-song Illusion Is reduced in speakers of tonal (vs. non-tonal) languages. Frontiers in Psychology 7: 662.
- Clark CN, et al. 2015. Humour processing in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: A behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis. Cortex 69, 47-59.
- Fletcher PD, et al. 2015. Auditory hedonic phenotypes in dementia: A behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis. Cortex 67: 95-105.
- Fletcher PD, et al. 2015. Pain and temperature processing in dementia: a clinical and neuroanatomical analysis. Brain 138: 3360-3372
- Fletcher PD, et al. 2015. Physiological phenotyping of dementias using emotional sounds. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 1: 170–178.
- Golden HL, et al. 2015. Functional neuroanatomy of auditory scene analysis in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage Clinical 7: 699-708.
- Golden HL, et al. 2015. Auditory spatial processing in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 138: 189-202.
- Hardy CJ, et al. 2015. The Language Profile of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 50: 359-371.
- Mahoney CJ, et al. 2015. Longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging in frontotemporal dementia. Annals of Neurology 77: 33-46.
- Downey LE, et al. 2014. Altered body schema processing in frontotemporal dementia with C9ORF72 mutations. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 85: 1016-1023.
- Downey LE, et al. 2013. Mentalising music in frontotemporal dementia. Cortex 49: 1844-1855
- Omar R, et al. 2013. Flavour identification in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 84: 88-93.
- Goll JC, et al. 2012. Impairments of auditory scene analysis in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 135(Pt 1): 190-200.
- Goll JC, et al. 2012. Nonverbal sound processing in semantic dementia: A functional MRI study. Neuroimage 61(1): 170-180.
- Hailstone JC, et al. 2012. Accent processing in dementia. Neuropsychologia 50(9): 2233-2244.
- Mahoney CJ, et al. 2012. Frontotemporal dementia with the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion: clinical, neuroanatomical and neuropathological features. Brain 135(Pt 3): 736-750.
- Rohrer JD, et al. 2012. Receptive prosody in nonfluent primary progressive aphasias. Cortex 48(3): 308-316.
- Warren JD, et al. 2012. Disintegrating brain networks: from syndromes to molecular nexopathies. Neuron 73: 1060–1062.
- Goll JC, et al. 2011. Auditory object cognition in dementia. Neuropsychologia. 49: 2755-2765.
- Hailstone JC, et al. 2011. Voice processing in dementia: a neuropsychological and neuroanatomical analysis. Brain 134(Pt 9): 2535-2547.
- Omar R, et al. 2011. The structural neuroanatomy of music emotion recognition: evidence from frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuroimage 56(3): 1814-1821.
- Rohrer JD, et al. 2011. Clinical and neuroanatomical signatures of tissue pathology in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Brain 134(Pt 9): 2565-2581.
- Goll JC, et al. 2010. Non-verbal sound processing in the primary progressive aphasias. Brain 133(Pt 1): 272-285.
- Omar R, et al. 2010. The cognitive organisation of music knowledge: a clinical analysis. Brain 133: 1200-1213.
- Piwnica-Worms KE, et al. 2010. Flavour processing in semantic dementia. Cortex 46: 761-768.
- Rohrer JD, Warren JD, 2010. Phenomenology and anatomy of abnormal behaviours in primary progressive aphasia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 293: 35-38.
- Rohrer JD, et al. 2010. Progranulin-associated primary progressive aphasia: A distinct phenotype? Neuropsychologia 48: 288-297.
- Rohrer JD, et al. 2010. Syndromes of nonfluent primary progressive aphasia: a clinical and neurolinguistic analysis. Neurology 75: 603-610.
- Rohrer JD, et al. 2010. Progressive logopenic/phonological aphasia: erosion of the language network. Neuroimage 49: 984-993.
- Rohrer JD, et al. 2010. Distinct profiles of brain atrophy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration caused by progranulin and tau mutations. Neuroimage 53: 1070-1076.
- Hailstone J, et al. 2009. Relatively preserved knowledge of music in semantic dementia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 80: 808-809.
- Hailstone JC, et al. 2009. It’s not what you play, it’s how you play it: timbre affects perception of emotion in music. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62: 2141-2155.
- Whitwell JL, et al. 2007. VBM signatures of abnormal eating behaviours in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. NeuroImage 35(1): 207-213.
- Warren JD, et al. 2006. Human brain mechanisms for the early analysis of voices. NeuroImage 31(3): 1389-1397.
- Warren JD, et al. 2005. Analysis of the spectral envelope of sounds by the human brain. Neuroimage 24(4): 1052-1057.
- Warren JD, et al. 2005. Brain biopsy in dementia. Brain 128(9): 2016-2025.
- Warren JE, et al. 2005. Sounds do-able: auditory-motor transformations and the posterior temporal plane. Trends in Neurosciences 28(12): 636-643.
- Griffiths TD, Warren JD, 2004. What is an auditory object? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5(11): 887-892.
- Warren JD, Griffiths TD, 2003. Distinct mechanisms for processing spatial sequences and pitch sequences in the human auditory brain. Journal of Neuroscience 23(13): 5799-5804.
- Warren JD, et al. 2003. Separating pitch chroma and pitch height in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100(17): 10038-10042.
- Griffiths TD, Warren JD, 2002. The planum temporale as a computational hub. Trends in Neurosciences 25(7): 348-353.
- Warren JD, et al. 2002. Perception of sound-source motion by the human brain. Neuron 34(1): 139-148.