UCLDH ONLINE Digital Humanities Roundtable: 'Where' affects 'How' we teach
08 September 2022, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

Hear three approaches to digital skills teaching in the humanities, considering the ways that 'here' affects 'how' and 'what' we teach.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Dr Adam Crymble
Where you are doing digital scholarship affects the types of methods and approaches you will find most fruitful for humanities research. Despite the fact that technology is global, its application is profoundly cultural and sculpted by historical factors such as colonialism, language, archiving practices, and economic development. In digital humanities this means that the digital methodologies most needed in London differ from those most important to Bogota, Paris, or Lisbon.
This roundtable brings together three scholars from three different countries to discuss their approach to digital skills teaching where they live and work.
- Dr Daniel Alves is Managing Editor of Programming Historian em português and and Assistant Professor of History at Universidad Nova de Lisboa in Portugal. For the past several years he has been working closely with colleagues in Portugal and Brazil to increase access to digital skills training in the Portuguese language.
- Dr Lucia Michielin is the Digital Skills Training Manager at the Centre for Data Culture & Society at the University of Edinburgh. Her role includes identifying and providing training on applied digital research skills for the university's research community.
- Professor Victor Gayol is a historian of Mexican justice and society at el Colegio de Michoacán in southwestern Mexico. He was a founding editor of Programming Historian en español.
The roundtable will be followed by a Q&A. This free event is aimed at educators who are interested in digital skills development in the humanities. Event in English. Via Zoom. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/394224866187
Event Sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University College London.