
Open Educational Resources for the Digital Humanities


DHOER up and running

1 September 2010

UCLDH wins OER funding


As part of JISC's and HE Academy's UK Open Educational Resources (UKOER) programme, the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities has been awarded a £46,000 grant to create Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Digital Humanities.

The DHOER project will turn a comprehensive range of teaching and learning resources from a series of introductory modules in Digital Humanities into multimedia and Web 2.0 enriched OERs, published on the internet and freely available for anyone.

Apart from serving Digital Humanities, a distinctive subject area in its own right, the DHOER project will benefit many cognate disciplines, including but not limited to the whole spectrum of the Arts and Humanities, Information Studies, Archive and Library Studies and Computer Science.

DHOER will directly cater for the needs of particular sectors of employment, including documentation, archives, libraries and publishing, and also support the larger requirements of the digital information age.

The UK Open Educational Resources pilot programme, HEFCE funded and coordinated jointly by JISC and the Higher Education Academy, has been designed to support institutions, consortia and individuals to release open educational resources for use and repurposing worldwide, by assisting the development of appropriate processes and policies to make this an integral part of the learning material creation workflow.