DDH-L Archives
The following DDH meetings have taken place:
For a full archive and write up of these meetings see the organisers' Google site
- 19th October 2010: Virtual Research Environments [announcement]
- 21 September 2010: The Humanities: A Technical Profession [announcement | write-up]
- 24th August 2010: The Free Software movement-Richard Stallman's The GNU Project and The General Public License [announcement]
- 14 July 2010: Melissa Terras, "Present, Not Voting: Digital Humanities in the Panopticon" [announcement]
- 21 June 2010: James Murdoch, "Tomorrow's Humanities" [announcement | write-up]
- 19 April 2010: Richard Coyne: "Digital Utopias" [announcment | write-up]
- 30 March 2010: Michael Mateas, "Procedural Literacy: Educating the New Media Practitioner" [announcement | write-up]
- 16 March 2010: Digital Humanities and Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" [announcement | write-up]