DDHLondon meets monthly in the pub. The event is open to UCL staff and Students, and their guests. If you are not from UCL and want to come along, please let us know - you are more than welcome. RSVP is appreciated but not required.
The Next Meeting
Topic: Learning to love 'the cloud'.
Date: Tuesday, 22nd February 2011
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Location: The Wheatsheaf, 25 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1JB (map)

Reading: Open Forum, no reading required
If you cannot make this date but are interested in future meetings, you can join the the DDH e-list!
If you have any suggestions for subjects to discuss or articles to read you can email your suggestions to decodingdh@ucl.ac.uk or leave a comment on the DH Blog.
Claire Ross, Kathryn Piquette, and Simon Mahony.
DDH Archives
For details of previous DDHLondon meet ups see the DDH Archive
- 29th November 2010: Second Life in Higher Education [annoucement]
- 19th October 2010: Virtual Research Environments [announcement]
- 21 September 2010: The Humanities: A Technical Profession [announcement | write-up]
- 24th August 2010: The Free Software movement-Richard Stallman's The GNU Project and The General Public License [announcement]
- 14 July 2010: Melissa Terras, "Present, Not Voting: Digital Humanities in the Panopticon" [announcement]
- 21 June 2010: James Murdoch, "Tomorrow's Humanities" [announcement | write-up]
- 19 April 2010: Richard Coyne: "Digital Utopias" [announcment | write-up]
- 30 March 2010: Michael Mateas, "Procedural Literacy: Educating the New Media Practitioner" [announcement | write-up]
- 16 March 2010: Digital Humanities and Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" [announcement | write-up]