Founded in 2010, the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH) is a cross-faculty research centre, bringing together a vibrant network of people who teach and research in a wide range of disciplines.
Inaugural Lecture - Professor Melissa Terras
Professor Terras was the Director of UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, May 2013 - October 2017.
Reporting to both UCL's Engineering and Arts and Humanities faculties, UCLDH draws on UCL's world-class research strength especially in information studies, computing science, and the arts and humanities. It supports and coordinates work in many institutional settings throughout the university, including the library services, museums and collections. UCLDH offers a research-led MA/MSc in digital humanities, which admits students with a background in either the arts and humanities or the sciences and engineering. Many of the options from the MA/MSc are also available as short courses. We also advise a number of PhD students working in a range of research areas.
The research facilitated by UCLDH takes place at the intersection of digital technologies and humanities. It produces applications and models that make possible new kinds of research, both in the humanities disciplines and in computer science and its applied technologies. It also studies the impact of these techniques on cultural heritage, museums, libraries, archives, and culture at large. Over the past five years, UCLDH has been involved in many ground-breaking research projects, some of which have won major awards.