
UCL Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre


Maxwell P. L. Barber

Max Barber Photo

Originally from Leeds, I moved to London in 2014 following my A-Levels at Mary Hare School to embark on a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and English Literature.  In my final year of University, I wrote a dissertation on the application of philosophy of language to British Sign Language, where I discussed the issues of applying theories that assumed languages were auditory (as in spoken and written) to visual languages (such as BSL).  I am currently a research assistant to Kearsy Cormier on the BSL Syntax project, which I hope will take me into a great future in linguistics.

I aim to complete a post-graduate degree in linguistics and communications, as my interest is in the multi-cultural communications between different languages (English and BSL, BSL and ASL, for example), and also the role of interpreters - the amount of accountability they hold in communications and translations.  This is all with a dash of philosophy, of course.

E-mail: Max Barber