
UCL Day Nursery


UCL Staff Policy on Children with Raised Temperatures

Staff must follow the following procedures in cases where children have raised temperatures.

Where the temperature taken reads 37.8 to 38.2 degrees with no obvious symptoms:

•    Record first temperature taken on sick child form
•    Inform management at all times
•    Take temperature again within 30 minutes and record again
•    Inform management of any changes that may have happened
•    If symptoms start to show and temperature has risen management must be informed immediately and parents called
•    If no symptoms and temperature remains the same take the temperature again within 30 minutes

Monitor the child and if there are no changes within the hour inform management so they can call parents to pick up the child if necessary. 

Where the temperature taken reads 38.2 degrees or above with no obvious symptoms:

•    Record first temperature taken on sick child form
•    Inform management straight away
•    Phone parents and warn them of the temperature and tell them that you will monitor and assess in 15 minutes
If there is no change after the 15 minutes monitoring, inform management and call parents to collect their child ASAP

Where the temperature taken reads over 38.0 degrees with obvious symptoms:

•    Inform management
•    Call parents to collect immediately
•    If parents are unable to collect immediately, inform management who will assess and supervise until child is collected if necessary.

Where the temperature taken reads over 39.0 degrees:
•    Inform management immediately and notify the parents to collect their child immediately.
•    Management will always supervise the child in a separate room away from the other children, until the child goes home/ Management will always assess if medical intervention is required at any time.

A child with a temperature must be clear of their temperature without the assistance of medication for at least 24 hours before returning to the nursery. 

Each case is to be assessed on an individual basis by the child’s keyworker and management in order ascertain the best treatment or action needed at any given time.  

Last updated: Wednesday, June 27, 2018