


UCL for Refugee Education

13th February 2017
About us

Later this month, UCL will show its support for refugee education by hosting Refugee Week.

A range of events run by UCL Student Support & Wellbeing (with UCLU and Student Action for Refugees) to champion refugee education initiatives in the UK and abroad, from 20th to 24th February 2017.

This comes in the wake of a statement from the Home Office last week declaring its intention to end its so-called 'Dubs scheme'. An amendment to the 2016 Immigration Act designed to help unaccompanied, child refugees find safe refuge in the UK. 

The announcement marks a sea-change in our response to what is fast becoming an international humanitarian crisis; with the UNHCR estimating that 65.3 million people were displaced in 2015, fleeing war, poverty and persecution. 

A global education crisis

One sadly overlooked aspect of the crisis is education. Refugee children are often unable to access this fundamental human right, with only 50% attending primary school and only 1% going on to reach higher education. It is estimated that refugees will spend an average of 17 years in displacement, which for children may mean the entirety of their schooling years. 

UCL Student Support & Wellbeing wants to do its part to help increase awareness of this issue and raise funds.

Proceeds will be used to fund the following charities working on refugee education initiatives:       

A registered charity of qualified teachers from the United Kingdom, providing emergency education and support to children currently in refugee camps.

Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL)
A grassroots charity in London, working with refugees and asylum seekers to relieve poverty and social isolation. AFRIL run free courses in English as a second language to refugee adults, with a crèche facility attached, as well as a children's supplementary school called the Rainbow Club. 

Programme of events

Various events will be taking place on campus from Monday to Friday, including a charity 'mindful' rave, film screening, panel discussion and a workshop from Charity UK to give tips on campaigning for refugees in your community. 

Events are constantly being updated, for full details visit the UCL for Refugee Education page

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